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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Categories Patient Connect
Created by Kenneth Langworthy
Created on Aug 26, 2024


Add links/options to all messages Patient Connect sends to the scheduled patients. At this point, only the Confirmation message allows a patient the option to cancel, confirm, or reschedule an appointment. The affirmation and reminder messages do not.

Who Benefits:

Patient: Does not have to call to cancel, confirm, reschedule. They can do it from the text or email.

Scheduler: Can get real time notices of openings in the schedule. Can contact other patients to fill those openings.

Revenue Cycle: Keeps a steady flow of patients into the the facilities.

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  • Kenneth Langworthy
    Aug 28, 2024

    I see no harm in having the option in each of the messages. As long as the patient does not act on the links, no harm and the appointment remains as scheduled. Personally, I have had times where I have scheduled an appointment, left the office, got home, and realized I need to reschedule. Use Case: Lets say I confirm on the affirmation message. A blurb on the confirmation message could state if you need reschedule etc. use link below, If not - do nothing. The appointment should stay confirmed from the affirmation message. Same with the reminder message. Thank you.

  • Jennifer May
    Aug 28, 2024

    I see the benefit in this, but do you think asking the patient to confirm at every message could be seen as excessive? Do you think the patient could get annoyed if they had confirmed the appointment in the affirmation and confirmation message and then we asked them again in the reminder?

  • Kenneth Langworthy
    Aug 26, 2024

    Please reference Situation: 10094109. NOTE: The move to Twilo may or may not accommodate this basic need.