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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Shelby Edwards
Created on Aug 16, 2022

Separate Inbox for Tasks List vs just Chart Communication

A Home Screen Inbox Work List for Referrals, Pre-Certs, etc. for the nurses to build their own task list vs keeping everything in one chart communication inbox.

Instead of selecting just Message vs Request, there should be an option for "task" or something similar.

Chart communications are the only way to create anything to go into an inbox on the home screen. With patients calling and providers sending communications to nurses, the chart communication inbox can get very lengthy and cumbersome if you use also use it to follow up on referrals or other tasks.

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  • Sara Kress
    Aug 26, 2022

    Maybe creating a table that facilities can access. Most of our Communication falls into the categories of: Phone Call from patient, Lab/Rad/Echo reports and followup, Nursing Home communication, Controlled Substance log for the year. With Nursing Home and Controlled Substance being an ongoing conversation throughout the year, it would be nice to have additional filters just for searching and I agree with sorting them out on the Home Screen.