We have the vital signs combo on our EFORMS. Can you add pain to the vitals sign combo? when i go from the EFORM and click the NEW for vitals, pain is greyed out, so we have to document vitals, save, go out of the vitals application and back in in order to document pain.
And Waist Circumference :-)
Yes please. Also, Height and Weight
Also letting Height and Weight be charted at the same time would be helpful.
I would like to add - it would be super helpful to have a question or two added to the vitals application to describe pain. It would be super helpful to have location, what makes pain worse, what makes pain better... at the very least.
This would be a big benefit to all sites using electronic forms, Pain is recognized as a vital sign and eforms has lacked the option to document this since vital signs were introduced. I will be glad to work with development on this to make it happen.