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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Created by Cheryl Hinman
Created on Mar 25, 2025

Patient Own Medication selection when adding meds to Order sets

Building a Hospice Order set, would like to be able to select that the medications are Patient's Own Medications from Pharmacy so that the meds populate and are administered from the MAR, but no charges drop for them.

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  • Linda Pfeifle
    Mar 26, 2025

    Should also make it so that an order can be edited to make it a home medication. That is how it used to be in Healthland. An order would not have to be completely redone in Healthland to change it to be a patient's home med or uncheck patient's home med. You could just click on edit on the order and check or uncheck the box for patient's home med, click save, and you were done. Then when you would click on the order detail log you would see when it was changed and by whom, and it was at that point where it would make it a home med or not depending on if the box was checked or unchecked. Thrive should really do something like that so we don't have all these excessive discontinued orders in order chronology for little things such as patient's home med and scheduled time of a medication.

  • Kelsey Drouhard
    Mar 26, 2025

    The patients own med button is buried too deep! Having to click into each one to select it and then having to remember which ones were checked or not is way too time consuming. If they could surface the button or have a select all option that would be nice