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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status In Development
Created by Cole Romero
Created on Nov 22, 2022

Automatic fax confirmation image that imports into clinical history for Comm. center faxing.

Our clinic nursing staff wants a feature that will automatically log a fax confirmation into the patient's clinical history area. Nursing often has patients or other clinics that dispute if the information was actually faxed. The current fax log does not let you easily see a breakdown by a patient identifier. If the confirmation went to clinical history they could easily look it up by patient name or account.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jul 10, 2024

    Yes! Would greatly appreciate this feature.

  • Cassi Loutzenhiser
    Jun 6, 2024

    This is a must have according to our HIM director because there are constantly insurance companies, etc, calling and stating they never got something and they need this proof that they faxed something on a specific date/time.

  • Lori Luciano
    Mar 7, 2024

    We currently make the Communication Center fax a pdf and scan it into the account for proof. We would love for it to be an automated option or a click button feature when need. The Fax pdf is missing if it was successful or not and that should be part of the record along with the history (Date time attempts) This function is needed for Faxing and email and texting.


Communication Center Confirmation Receipt

Our admitting department has started using Communication Center to send out notification of admissions with a facesheet to insurances instead of using the physical fax (in an effort to go paperless). Would like a confirmation receipt like ones tha...
Guest 12 months ago in Communication Center 2 In Development