There is currently nowhere in the vitals application to document ETCO2 (capnography monitoring) values. I am requesting that a field be added to enter ETCO2 mmHg levels within the Vitals application.
I have had several staff members ask me to edit the O2 Method selections. They want T-Piece, Venti Mask, and Partial Rebreather Mask removed and Rebreather Mask, Oxy-Mask, High Flow Nasal Cannula, Bi-pap, C-pap added. Instead of them having to typ...
Jeanette Adams
almost 2 years ago
in Vital Signs
Add CO2 Monitoring to Vitals
CO2 monitoring is standard of care for sedation, but is not present as a choice in Vitals in EDIS or MedSurg.
Chris Gabel
over 2 years ago
in Vital Signs
Hello Christi & Janna,
This idea was changed to In Development - I'll ask the Product Owner if there is an estimated time for completion.
Yes this is basic vital signs documentation that your system that serves medical communities is incapable of doing. pretty embarrassing if you ask me.
Any movement on this and possibility of it being added within the Vitals section? Thank you
At least an other field in the vitals application?
Any movement on this suggestion from R&D?