We need to be able to set up tasks and they go away once they’ve been completed. Specifically I think of it in a nursing function. VS Q 4hrs, click on it to record vitals, then it documents them and goes away. So many possibilities.
This would be wonderful if you could click on a vital signs order in order chronology and it would just open up the vitals and then mark that the task of vitals was done for that scheduled time or if you would enter vitals in the vitals tab and would just know it is for the time scheduled in order chronology and mark that task as performed. We should also be able to have that option for an assessment also. For instance if we have a nebulizer treatment that uses Pulmicort, when we administer that on the MAR it should automatically direct the nurse to do the respiratory assessment flowchart. For a pain assessment that is due at specific times, we should be able to basically check it off by just click on the order when it is due and then it take you to the flowchart section. Same would go for scheduled patient care flowcharts and any other assessment that you have that would go with an order and/or administration of a medication.
Example: Pain medication given - reassessment task appears - documentation is now available within the order/medact, but this also should translate to the nursing flowchart
This would be wonderful if you could click on a vital signs order in order chronology and it would just open up the vitals and then mark that the task of vitals was done for that scheduled time or if you would enter vitals in the vitals tab and would just know it is for the time scheduled in order chronology and mark that task as performed. We should also be able to have that option for an assessment also. For instance if we have a nebulizer treatment that uses Pulmicort, when we administer that on the MAR it should automatically direct the nurse to do the respiratory assessment flowchart. For a pain assessment that is due at specific times, we should be able to basically check it off by just click on the order when it is due and then it take you to the flowchart section. Same would go for scheduled patient care flowcharts and any other assessment that you have that would go with an order and/or administration of a medication.
VS can be completed in Order Chron and will display in the "All" screen and not "Active" screen
Example: Pain medication given - reassessment task appears - documentation is now available within the order/medact, but this also should translate to the nursing flowchart