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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status More Information Needed
Created by Stephanie Yoder
Created on Mar 15, 2023

Charges generated from nursing documentation

Currently, nursing utilizes the charge application. Charge sets are built, and nursing is responsible to enter their charges in. They do not have time for this. Charging is incredibly important for the bottom line of the hospital, a nurse's primary focus in patient care, it is no wonder charges get missed on a hectic shift. We would love to see charges generate by the documentation the nurses are already completing. i.e.: The nurse charts that a foley was inserted - the charge for the insertion and kit post to the account. This would be a huge time saver and improve charge capture.

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  • Mary Ruckart
    Oct 10, 2023

    Where is your staff completing their documentation? We have the ability to drop reflexes that will charge from eforms, flowcharts and documentation.