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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Mark Boomhower
Created on Mar 31, 2023


When viewing the physician table in New Table Maintenance the only options for viewing are All, Staff or No-Staff. Often Registration will add a provider name that's already setup if for some reason they can't find it to register a patient. When entering the tables from New Table Maintenance, the same provider then shows multiple times, even if there's an inactive date entered on the invalid entries. There needs to be an option for showing Active and Inactive so the list is more manageable.

In addition, there needs to be minimum requirements for an entry to include at least a full name and address. See screenshot for example.

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  • Kim M Carr
    Dec 18, 2023

    Need ability to also search by NPI.

    1 reply
  • Logan Marol
    May 11, 2023

    I would also love a custom text section that way we are able to indicate why they have been made inactive.

  • Ginger Wiles
    May 9, 2023

    I would like suggest that when entering the physician info - when the NPI # is entered and have the system detect that the NPI # is in use. EX. Have a popup box - "NPI already in use" - Then the user should recognize that the Physician is already in the table. This will prevent prevent duplications.

  • Susie Cordilla
    Apr 12, 2023

    Oh my gosh, yes this needs attention please!!

  • Theresa Golden
    Apr 6, 2023

    I came specifically to the dream factory to add this idea. It would also be nice to see an inactive date column on the main search screen. We need a way to mass inactivate physician, so a multiselect and an inactive button would be amazing. Also love the idea of combining the tables.

  • Guest
    Apr 4, 2023

    It would be good if there was not a "new" button option in the registration area at all. We try to get the clerks to enter all 9s which defaults to our facility name with a new physician or one they can't find. When medical records runs the daily census and gets the information they will go in and enter the physician in the table and correct the account but the clerks sometimes forget to do this and the table is left in a mess.

    It would also be nice if the physician table and referring physician tables were just one table that would capture everything rather than maintaining 2 different tables.