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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal
Status Product Owner Review
Created by Guest
Created on May 2, 2023

Have scheduled reports run and delivered via email to user.

Have pertinent reports run and delivered to users on scheduled basis. For instance admission and discharge reports sent to me via email as opposed to having to generate them manually.

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  • Christi Keating
    May 19, 2024

    So many reports could be ran during off business hours to allow for the system to run faster when so many clients are accessing it. Setting a report to autorun and email should be a standard report available from any EHR.

  • Tom Gardner
    May 19, 2023

    We may have some options for at least some of these needs. I have asked someone from Client Services to reach out to you & see if they can help.

  • Guest
    May 11, 2023

    Currently I am manually generating the forms from with CPSI. One example of missing information is that we currently do not have a unit secretary around the clock, so if there is a patient admitted after she leaves and discharges before she returns (night or weekends), we may miss this. So I have to run a report each day to ensure that we haven't missed any patients. It would be great if anytime there was an admission that a facesheet would print to my printer automatically so that I could follow up, or if I could get an email notification.

    Likewise, if reports that we run on a routine basis like admission and discharge reports, late charge reports, etc, could be delivered via email on a scheduled basis.

  • Tom Gardner
    May 2, 2023

    Thank you for your submission! Could you confirm how you manually generate these reports currently? Is it from Report Writer, a location in Thrive, or somewhere else?