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Export Start Date & End Date from Taxes & Deductions
When exporting from the employee settings tab on a tax or deduction, the start and end date columns are blank. Payroll > Taxes & Deductions > choose deduction > Employee Settings tab. The start and end date appears on screen, but do n...
When getting a new patient into our system never seen before it has a hard stop for Last Name, First Name, DOB, Birth Sex. then we get the phone numbers then are taken to make an appointment. I would appreciate a button to click to have the "optio...
Non-Staff Physician Adding through registration 'on the fly'
When patients present to registration with an order from a new non-staff physician, registration can use the 'short' on the fly registration setup and the full table data can be entered later. However, they cannot add the result send mode from thi...
Recurring patient balances going into Persona Pay before discharge
We have a PT clinic as well as wound care and cardica/pulmonary rehabs that have patient balances after insurance has processed, but those balances don't go into the patient payment portal until the entire visit has been discharged. It would be ni...
A medical record number level would be helpful to scan documentation to that we receive from outside facilities that DO NOT connect to a visit/account.
We need the ability to inactivate outdated no longer used or incorrect discharge codes without affecting historical data. We have had users with too much access create discharge codes that are not CMS compliant and we need them to no longer be ava...
In an effort to streamline the registration process and keep up with other EMRs, please implement Digital Signatures at registration that can be completed on a tablet or i-pad. This would be more HIPAA compliant and convenient for the patient and ...
We would like a field for Discharge Diagnosis added to the ER Log. Chief Complaint is used for symptoms, state surveyors will review our ER Log and our policy states it must have Discharge Diagnosis on the log
Leslie DeSmet
about 1 year ago
in Registration
Product Owner Review
We would like to set up recurring payments for patients without an AR balance. Example: our self pay cardiac rehab patients are billed $60 every month, but we can't set up auto pay because there is no AR balance in persona pay. We are also trying ...