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We need a 2nd age for account decoupling. In IL the patient at age 12 had rights so that is what we set our age at but also at age 18 they have rights so we would like to decouple again at age 18.
Susan Gutjahr
over 1 year ago
in HIM
More Information Needed
Users would like to be able to make certain Charge Sets a favorite in their department or have the ability to rearrange the charge sets with their favorites at the top per user, instead of having every charge set that is available in that departme...
Revenue Detail Reports and Revenue by Charge Code - Add CPT UB Revenue & Modifier
Report Dashboard Reports: Revenue Detail Report Revenue by Charge Code Report Include: add CPT Code, Modifiers, UB Revenue Code in CSV Output Format of these reports. These are daily reports clients run daily they have to resort to other reports j...
I have had several sites that send guarantor letters who would like to be able to send guarantor collection letters. All accounts that are at a collection code 3 or A should pull. The letter should then list each account, DOS, and balance due. Oth...
Karla Essmiller
over 1 year ago
in AR | Revenue Cycle
Product Owner Review
As the healthcare culture changes and we are seeing more & more Observation patients we need the ability to run the census report to contain Inpatients and Observation patients for admits and discharges.
JB Auto add Contractual to an Item based on insurance
Would like to setup items numbers to be able auto contract off based on insurance or service code and not generate on a claim. Example, Medicare/Medicare Advantage Influenza and Pneumo vaccines are not to be included on a claim and need to be set ...
Jennifer Baumgartner
about 1 year ago
in AR | Revenue Cycle
Already Exists
Filter Report Dashboard reports by every available column on the report
It would be very helpful if the Report Dashboard reports would allow you to filter, in the Advanced screen, by any COLUMN that you can add to the report. There are numerous dashboard reports I've tried to filter by a column I added to the report, ...
Birth weight required for newborn error on HIDI report requires manual correction. Have had 6 sits about this since first quarter 2022. Is there a way to please program it so that the correct weight pulls to UB?
Site is requesting that the default CPT field in the item master be increased so that 3 or 4 modifiers can be added and will automatically pull to the claim. The 1500 claim form allows for 4 modifiers and the UB04 allows for 4 modifiers as well. C...