Please code ALL radiology contrast materials in Allergies to alert rad users of contrast allergy
Currently, the only way to get the red contrast allergy alert to trigger for radiology users is to specifically select an option the begins with "CONTRAST". The issue is that the allergies are still searchable by name without the "CONTRAST" additi...
Nikki Csiki
about 2 years ago
in Ancillary
Product Owner Review
Allow pharmacists to stop a CPOE order at the point of verification
When pharmacists determine a CPOE med order is incorrect we currently have to verify the order and then go back in and d/c it. This is not only a liability to our license but much more work than it needs to be. There is a delete button on the veri...
At this time there is no way for medications of any kind to cross interfaces. This puts a kink in clinic future orders, as well as any other interfaces places may use. It would greatly improve functionality and patient safety. Would be a huge bene...
We need a rules engine where we can take physician and nursing protocols and write conditions with if/else/while conditions that will alert nurses and doctors when certain conditions are met. This would be a customizable application based on medic...
Need the ability to add delete orders from order sets en masse
We have large numbers of order sets, and it would be a huge time saver to be able to add/remove an item en masse. For example, a new or discontinued medication currently could require changes individually to many order sets (we have over 200).
Nikki Csiki
over 1 year ago
in Order Management
Product Owner Review
Order Entry 'Pop-up' alert provider to start medication now
Would like a pop-up alert in the order entry application for medication orders asking providers if they would lie to start this med now. We've have several med errors or near misses on medication defaulting to the default time of 0800.
It would be really helpful if there was a security switch that we could provide to allow selected individuals to unlock forms which were locked by other staff.