SAFER - Ability to sort test results in HS Folders
SAFER Test Results Reporting and Follow-up recommendation 2.16: Test results can be sorted in the clinician's EHR inbox according to clinically relevant criteria (e.g. date/time,
severity, hospital location, patient). Other than creating several ...
HS Folder - Subscription Type - Ordering Provider and Future Orders
At one time the ordering provider was rolled out in HS Folder setup as either a subscription or task type but it was not designed well. Doing the SAFER assessment I went to review it's functionality and no longer see it as an option. That being, I...
SAFER - Modify feature that when a Chart Alert result is acknowledged it ack the Provider HS Alert
SAFER Test Results Reporting and Follow-up 2.12 - Results notifications remain in clinician inboxes until a clinician action occurs to address them. We find risk of failure with the way the current process is set up. When a staff member is in Char...
Chart communication not canceling if address within the chart.
If one addresses a communication within the chart, that communication should be addressed in the communication app as well. However, that may resolve within the communication module?
Ability to select scanned image titles viewed in Alerts/Home Folders
It would be nice to have the ability to flag certain image titles to be viewable in Scanned Home Screen Folder or Alerts Tab in Charts, currently ALL image titles go to Scanned Images folder, Alerts Tab on charts and Scanned Images in Clinical His...
Similar to the Health Information Resource there needs to be a place holder for documents recieved that are pertinent to the patients record, or that the Provider needs to see prior to a patients follow up visit. Then the document could be acknowl...