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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )

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Showing 2055

On Premise options

It would be a great idea to have on premise options available for all cloud based services if those facilities that don't want cloud based services.
Chris Peak about 2 years ago in Technical 0 Product Owner Review

High Availability/Failover for all cloud instances

With the forceful move of services to the cloud. It would be a great idea to have more than one instance of these cloud based services setup in high availability/failover. Specifically the notes section. It seems to go down multiple times a year, ...
Chris Peak about 2 years ago in Technical 0 Product Owner Review

The ability to have an add on order option and a miscellaneous option for tests not in the system

This would flag the main lab that a test has been added from previous orders. It would also allow for entering the name of tests not in the menu to avoid confusion and missed tests.
MONICA ADAMS over 1 year ago in Ancillary / Order Management 1 Already Exists

Prescription renewals from the escribe folder need to have more options besides just deny or accept. Need to be able to send to another provider, adjust the # of tablets, and be able to renew a narc without having to deny and do a new one or prescription renewal from the prescription entry screen in patient's chart.

We recently migrated from Healthland to Thrive in July. The escribe folder needs to be revamped and the providers need to have more options. The providers need to be able to do more besides just accept or deny a prescription. Sometimes a dosage ma...
Linda Pfeifle over 2 years ago in Medication Management 1

Prescription Entry - Associated Problem - required field

We would like to see a behavior control created that we can assign to make the associated problem field in prescription entry a required field. We have pharmacies that require it and as a policy we require it but staff/providers still forget and i...
Susan Gutjahr over 1 year ago in Medication Management 0 Product Owner Review


Right now on Admin Gender in Demographics the only options are -blank-, Female, Male, Other, Unknown. So can we add Transman, Transwoman, Genderqueer, Non-Binary, Decline to Answer, Not Specified as options like it gives you in Healthy History-sex...
Kiley McNemar 9 months ago in Registration 1 Unlikely to Implement

Flagging chart if patient is in the ED greater than 240 minutes

We have to address and reorder home medications if a patient is in the ED greater than 240 minutes so having an alert or flagging the chart would be a nice reminder for the nursing staff and providers.
Kareen Adams over 1 year ago in HomeScreen 0 Product Owner Review

lab keep days and radiology keeps days should work independently

We recently realized that while lab and radiology have different keep days settings, they work in tandem if an account has both labs and radiology orders. Neither the account nor the lab and radiology order numbers will not purge until the highest...
Brad Legnon over 2 years ago in Ancillary 0 Product Owner Review

Support Center

Sits needs to be able to be retrieved in a better manner. Right now you have to filter by date, user, area,..etc, but if you are looking for older issues, it's hard to track. Maybe each person that enters a ticket should have folder with tickets a...
Filpa Park over 2 years ago in TruBridge Client Center 0 Product Owner Review

deleting and reusing numbers in thrive

there needs to be the ability to reuse or delete login with assigned numbers in thrive
Kiley McNemar 10 months ago in Security 1