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Allow staff to change conversions when submitting reqs
When employees are attempting to place a requisition, they are unable to covert from EA to BX. I understand that this aids in the reduction of overstocking, however, the end result is that requisitions are being placed with a 1 EA request when the...
Pharmacy and Materials Management needs a way to track Expiration Dates
Please make a way for Pharmacy and MM to track the outdates so that you can easily run a report and see what items are going to expire for reordering and to pull from the supply. This would save a lot of time of monthly checks through all the supp...
We have to go into each encounter and generate the CCDA and send it to our health information exchange. This is very time consuming and something I feel could be automated.
When you are scanning images on the web side/chart side, need to be able to get to a description at least by typing the first character of the image title. If you type C for instance that would take you to the first C image title. It would be even better if when you were scanning on the system menu side or the chart side that if you start typing the whole word it should just come up.
For example if you have 10 image titles that start with C, you should be able to type chart and it would take you right there to the chart image title. We had this in Healthland, and it worked pretty slick as there were some letters that had a lot...
When a patient account is coded, the modifier from the procedure screen within the grouper should pull the appropriate modifiers to the claim for billing. The allows for proper billing via regulations/guidelines. Saves time for manualy review and ...
We should be able to look up patients by DOB not only in White board but also in Quick Reg. To avoid look alike/ sound alike mistakes that could lead to patient harm.
Tara Paisano
over 2 years ago
in Registration
Already Exists
Allow Barcode Labels to print when item is received
I would like to see an option where you can print the barcode labels for billable items when they are received in. This would cut down on the back and forth between screens. This would also be way more time efficient.
WE need an month end AP Aging report - that ties to the GL for the CFO's monthly Balance sheet reconciliation. Plus is a good tool to review the AP overall including outstanding vendor credits. Lastly, this is usually a required report from the ou...
When the registration staff updates the Advanced Directive (Y/N/U) on the Census side, it does not update on the Clinical side. I have placed ticket but was told that it will only update the clinical side on first input but will not update when ch...
12 months ago
in Registration
Already Exists
JB Auto add Contractual to an Item based on insurance
Would like to setup items numbers to be able auto contract off based on insurance or service code and not generate on a claim. Example, Medicare/Medicare Advantage Influenza and Pneumo vaccines are not to be included on a claim and need to be set ...
Jennifer Baumgartner
about 1 year ago
in AR | Revenue Cycle
Already Exists