If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )
So many things in cpsi have multiple ways to do things. Can't we just have 1? SOP for all things. This would also mean customer support from CPSI that gives you the same answer no matter who you talk to. Too much flexibility within the system make...
Better coordination between TruBridge & Thrive to help you work them together.
There needs to be better coordination between RCM and Thrive to work the full Revenue Cycle together. It is very segregated and there is not a good established workflow for working the whole revenue cycle. There should be experts when you call in ...
Michelle Brinkley
over 2 years ago
in AR | Revenue Cycle
Unlikely to Implement
We need a user friendly way to build reports such as Microsoft Report Builder or Crystal Reports leveraging SQL database access that doesn't require advanced expertise in SQL. Can Thrive produce an application or module that would allow community ...
Jace Henderson
over 1 year ago
in Accounting
Unlikely to Implement
when printing pdf form of GRN it would be nice to have pricing show
We print out GRN but it doesn't show what pricing was, so person verifying this- in my case pharmacist is not sure that tech entered correctly. If pricing was showing on GRN form that we print out, it would be more of a confirmation that PO was do...
when working in FMS Inventory Count- be able to set a preference where it says Inventory adjustment type- Would prefer Quantity Difference
When adjusting meds out due to waste, out of date,loss, etc on every single item it pops up physical inventory count & we have to change it to quantity difference. it would be nice if we could set a preference here. Sometimes we forget to chan...
A user cannot view or print a pay stub without downloading the pay stub. This is problematic as there are shared computers throughout our facility and pay stubs get left behind by previous users. This needs to be VIEW option only, if someone needs...
Laura Colbert
almost 1 year ago
in 3R Management Suite
Unlikely to Implement