Make Problem Management work from within the Notes Filters.
It would be highly beneficial to integrate the Problem Management Card from the PDC directly into the Notes Filters. While a filter can currently be created to send problems being addressed today from the Problem Management Card to the body of a N...
Make the Notes application communicate with the ER Log so that Providers can just document times that flow to the ER Log
Make a Notes filter for Seen By Provider time, decision to admit or obs times, time of disposition ect. in Notes application and make it automatically send those times to the ER Log. Also make an alert appear if the seen by provider time entered i...
Sabrina Wiles
almost 2 years ago
in Notes / Registration
Future Development
Ability to pull all Social History sections to Notes
Currently, the Notes filter for "Social History" only includes smoking status. "Substance Use, Exercise, Travel, Sexual History, etc." should also be available as filters.
Rodney Teribury
almost 2 years ago
in Notes
Future Development
Ability to Hide/Expand sections in Note if not applicable
When building a Template in Note, we need to have the ability to Hide or Expand a section if it is applicable or not applicable. Nurses like having alot of the assessment elements in one place, but it makes for a very long template. If the NIH Str...
allow for orders to be built in notes templates and launch order entry when note signed
allow for orders to be built into notes templates and launch order entry when note signed. we used to have this functionality in Phys Doc and the providers used this for VTE screening and other documents.
This would be useful for providers who perform procedures in clinic to be able to add to their notes instead of being required to use a separate e-form.
NOTES: System Filters are extended past the Page margins
When a note is signed it goes through a PDF conversion whereby the conversion process will auto shrink the entire note proportionately until the note content fits within the PDF page margins. Currently, several of our System Notes filters, predomi...
David Howard
12 months ago
in Notes
In Development
During Med Rec, when a patient is taking no home medications, we choose No Home Meds, our Notes templates have the filter for Home Med List, when the filter pulls it will say No Home Medications Available. When a patient truly takes no home meds, ...
More reports related to notes documentation (copy/paste function report)
Our compliance officer asked for a report to be able to track the copy/paste function. She states she saw this available on another EHR. This would be helpful to track acceptable levels of "cloning" with documentation. Thanks.
You can make my life ultimatly better if you could please add the patient address into the NOTES > DEMOGRAPHICS> section so when I build a clinical note I can input the patients address. I can also make myself a letter to send to the patient...