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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )

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Showing 2055

Patient Care Team at Profile Level

We would like to see the ability document the patient's care team at a profile level. Who their orthopedist, dentist, eye dr, endocrinologist, etc is. The ability to add and remove providers as the patient changes providers. When a provider is add...
Susan Gutjahr about 1 year ago in Demographics Panel 1

SAFER - Ability to sort test results in HS Folders

SAFER Test Results Reporting and Follow-up recommendation 2.16: Test results can be sorted in the clinician's EHR inbox according to clinically relevant criteria (e.g. date/time, severity, hospital location, patient). Other than creating several ...
Susan Gutjahr about 1 year ago in HomeScreen 0

HS Folder - Subscription Type - Ordering Provider and Future Orders

At one time the ordering provider was rolled out in HS Folder setup as either a subscription or task type but it was not designed well. Doing the SAFER assessment I went to review it's functionality and no longer see it as an option. That being, I...
Susan Gutjahr about 1 year ago in HomeScreen 1

SAFER - Modify feature that when a Chart Alert result is acknowledged it ack the Provider HS Alert

SAFER Test Results Reporting and Follow-up 2.12 - Results notifications remain in clinician inboxes until a clinician action occurs to address them. We find risk of failure with the way the current process is set up. When a staff member is in Char...
Susan Gutjahr about 1 year ago in HomeScreen 0

Ability to select scanned image titles viewed in Alerts/Home Folders

It would be nice to have the ability to flag certain image titles to be viewable in Scanned Home Screen Folder or Alerts Tab in Charts, currently ALL image titles go to Scanned Images folder, Alerts Tab on charts and Scanned Images in Clinical His...
Jennifer Brockhaus about 2 years ago in HomeScreen / TruBridge EHR - Clinical / TruBridge EHR - Financial 1 Product Owner Review

3R Management Suite - Merge and Pivot Options within all Report Templates.

Options within Reporting Templates to apply a Merge and Pivot functionality. This will allow Report Template Merge option across templates/reports. Then also offer the ability to Pivot the report ahead of generation.
Waylon Moody over 1 year ago in 3R Management Suite 0 Open for Comment

TB RCM Knowledge Based Articles listed with newest info first

To be able to see the most recent information without having to scroll through all of the older information.
Sara Espinosa 8 months ago in TruBridge Other Categories 0

Be able to amend a document that has been signed.

We have some transcription that was signed by the physician, but was for the wrong patient, the document was signed, now we cannot amend or redline the information. HIPAA States that the patient's record be accurate. In this case it is not. When w...
Guest 8 months ago in Ancillary 1 More Information Needed

Vital Signs Grid View too much data

I do not understand why this is not fixed yet. The list view is not digestible. The grid view is the one used. Yet I have an ICU patient for 4 days and there is too much data? Is there an intention to fix this? This is highly limited.
Janna Sartin 8 months ago in Vital Signs 0

Has this bar code already been scanned in?

In Pyxis, I have the option to scan a barcode to see if it has already been linked with a medication or not. In Webclient, I have to go into that specific medication and see if it has been scanned under the item master. The same barcode could be s...
Bailey Creamer 11 months ago in Medication Management 2 Future Development