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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )

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Showing 2055

Re-Authorization Trigger

Develop a field where Departments can check mark when service changes are done at Time of Service --> where a notification goes to the Auth Team to complete a Re-Authorization of the Service Change. For example - Radiology Order for w/ Contrast...
Guest over 1 year ago in Order Management 0 Product Owner Review

Allow Financial/Business Office Depts to scan an image against an order

Our Health Information dept sometimes scans a result in if a certain consulting cardiologist, etc prefers to read it instead of (or in addition to) sending off to our radiologist. Best practice in my opinion would be to scan that result against th...
Kelsey Drouhard over 1 year ago in Ancillary 0

Report Writer Version - Pre-Admission Report

Pre-Admission Report Current Fields: Patient Name, Room#, Account Number, F/C, Age, Sex, Marital Status, Service Code, Phone, Physician, Expected Date, Med Rec. Dashboard version either needs to have additional fields maid available in Columns,(Ad...
Clarissa Calhoun almost 2 years ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical / TruBridge EHR - Financial 0 Product Owner Review

Add last date completed on the MSP Questionnaire

It would expedite registration if they could see when the MSP questionnaire was completed last - if it had been completed within the last 90 days.
Renee Mann over 2 years ago in Registration 0 Product Owner Review

Integrate communication center more seamlessly into the Tasks area of web client.

Our facility would like to eliminate the old chart communication entirely. However, we have clinic nurses that cover each other's inboxes. Unless I'm mistaken, I don't see a way we could continue to do this with the updated mail in communication c...
Cole Romero over 2 years ago in Communication Center / Thrive Web Client 0 Product Owner Review

Charges generated from nursing documentation

Currently, nursing utilizes the charge application. Charge sets are built, and nursing is responsible to enter their charges in. They do not have time for this. Charging is incredibly important for the bottom line of the hospital, a nurse's primar...
Stephanie Yoder about 2 years ago in Documentation / TruBridge EHR - Financial 1 More Information Needed

UBL-need field to indicate company user works

We need a field in the UBL to indicate where the user works. We need a way to track external users from business associates/care partners. There are many external organizations that request user access to a hospital's EHR and we need a field we ca...
Kim M Carr over 2 years ago in Security 0 Product Owner Review

Regulatory structure

If you want to really help and focus with rural health facilities, help those who are multi-hatting. Take over the regulatory pieces so we don’t have to focus so much on keeping up and managing a website that most customers don’t pay attention to ...
Guest almost 3 years ago in TruBridge Other Categories 0 Unlikely to Implement

Print Report Capability for Problem List in Nursing Chart Masters

We are wanting to update our "Care Plans" a.k.a the Problem List and Goals within the Flow Charts. There needs to be a way to print the Descriptions of all the problems and associated goals to review wihtout having to click into each one and make ...
Kelsey Drouhard about 1 year ago in Documentation 0

Ability to enter Waste

We would like the ability to enter supply waste through the charges screen. There is an option for Medication Waste but not supply waste
Lori Luciano about 2 years ago in AR | Revenue Cycle / TruBridge EHR - Financial 0