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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )

All ideas

Showing 2055

Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity SOGI to pull into other visits

Right now, having to address Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in each chart. If they have been here before and they return these should remain. This is entered by a link in the ID Panel that links to Health History > Social History > S...
Janna Sartin 4 months ago in Health History 3 Already Exists

Room Accommodation Filters

Please add more filters to the patient intake table for the room accommodations list. Currently you can only restrict the accommodation to show based on the stay type and to make this affective you need at least one other restriction or filter. Yo...
Katie DuCharme about 1 month ago in TruBridge EHR - Financial 0

location to put contacts and release of information level

Would be nice to have a location to place all those the facility is able to talk to about the client and the level of release of information that can be given to these individuals. For example, health information, financial information, all or none.
Carrie Mancini 3 months ago in Patient Data Console 1

Need ability to inactivate discharge codes

We need the ability to inactivate outdated no longer used or incorrect discharge codes without affecting historical data. We have had users with too much access create discharge codes that are not CMS compliant and we need them to no longer be ava...
Linda Beeson 3 months ago in Registration 0

Non-Staff Physician Adding through registration 'on the fly'

When patients present to registration with an order from a new non-staff physician, registration can use the 'short' on the fly registration setup and the full table data can be entered later. However, they cannot add the result send mode from thi...
Guest 3 months ago in Registration 1

Clear Medication Instruction field on discharge instructions after visit

The system automatically clears medication next dose date/time from visit to visit on the discharge instructions. The system DOES NOT clear the medication Instructions field. Our facility places very specific instructions in this field that pertai...
Emily Brueggemann 2 months ago in Medication Management 1

shading within tracking board and whiteboard

Staff have a hard time looking at TWC tracking boards and whiteboards, ask that there is a slight shading alternation in the rows. So, one is white and the next is light gray and then back to white and so on. They find it very difficult to see on ...
Lexie Tulak 6 months ago in Tracking Board | Patient Search 0

Ability to lock Documentation for behavior health and psychology patients

Locking of Documentation. There needs to be a way in CPSI to lock documentation for Behavior Health/Psychology patients. At BMH we have both services and currently using paper for documentation due to they need to be more secure than what CPSI cur...
Jennifer Brockhaus almost 3 years ago in Documentation / HIM / Notes 13 Open for Comment

340B Prescription Refills by Visit

We would like to limit our prescription refill request on clinic visits only. We would like a hard stop on refills being performed under ancillary visits. We are losing revenue from our 340B program due to incorrect location being chosen when writ...
Teresa Weber about 1 month ago in Medication Management 0

Nursing - Copy Forward Assessment from shift to shift

Nursing would like to be able "Copy Forward" Assessment from shift to shift and modify any changes. Similiar to physician's being able to copy forward their notes.
Crystal Cloud over 1 year ago in Flowcharts 1 Product Owner Review