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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )

All ideas

Showing 2055

Tasks in TWC needs an alert icon that would state how many unsigned items are in the folder

Most of our providers are starting to use the TWC and going straight to the Whiteboard navigation choice, so the next time they log in, they are taken directly to the Whiteboard. After a while, they forget "Tasks" exist and they stop clicking on i...
Tracie Bastien over 2 years ago in HomeScreen / Thrive Web Client / TruBridge EHR - Clinical 8 In Development

Notes Filters so that you know what Note templates have the filters built into them (like Note Phrases)

So that when you make a Note filter change & there are Notes that you don't want the changes to go into AND you don't want to have to build another filter to add into the filter chaos & then you have to search through 250 Notes to see if t...
Angela Plummer 9 months ago in Notes 1

Report of insurance rejection codes

User would like to be able to export to Excel a listing of the insurance rejection codes. Tables / Business Office/ Rejection Codes. This list can be too long for screen shots to be useful.
Guest 4 months ago in Financial Report 0

Radiology Lung screening results patient letters

We need to be able to send letters via Thrive to the patients with the results of their CT lung screening exams. These letters would be similar to the mammo letters. We need the system to track that letters have been sent. there are specs for the ...
Guest 5 months ago in Clinical Report 0

Ability to add growth charts to notes

Our pediatric physicians would like the ability to add a patient's growth chart from Reports and Attachments into Notes during their well child check. Currently they are having to manually input the information from the growth charts into the note...
Guest 5 months ago in Notes 0

Add percent consumed and ML's consumed on the Order Chron for Ensure and other oral nutrition supplements

Can we have % percent consumed and ML's consumed added to the order chron on the oral nutrition supplements - Ensure Plus, Ensure Enlive, Ensure Clear, Ensure Compact, and Glucerna shakes as well as the modulars of beneprotein and Juven? We have t...
Ryan Smith 8 months ago in Order Management / Vital Signs 1 In Development

Ability to customize 24 hours summary

Could we be able to customize the 24 hour summary or build our own patient summary to print out? It would be beneficial to pick out the specific things we would like to include for our own facility. It would help with nurses being able to have som...
Elizabeth McKee 8 months ago in Clinical Report 3 Already Exists

require entered allergies before Rx entry can be performed

Please develop a functionality that will require allergies to be addressed before a provider can enter prescriptions. If no allergies are entered, there is nothing to trigger clinical monitoring to require an override reason. I never thought about...
Stephanie Yoder about 1 year ago in Allergies / Medication Management 1 Open for Comment

One time medication Start date/time Stop date/time need to be different.

This is causing the medication to drop off the medication profile in Omnicell and the users have to use override to retrieve the medication. We do not have a pharmacist on site 24/7 and anytime a user has to override a medication profile that is a...
Angela Plummer 8 months ago in Medication Management 0

Notes data write to Ad Hoc

We would love to be able to utilize Notes for more documentation, because the ED uses Note and it would be so helpful to be able for them to live in that environment for documentation, but since we can't use Ad Hoc to write reports on that documen...
Cheryl Hinman about 1 year ago in Notes 0