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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Communication Center

Showing 54

Ability to change recipient when sending a communication

Currently, if you select the wrong recipient to send a communication, you can't change the recipient. You have to start over. This loses the information that you had already put in. Yes, you can remember to copy and then paste it, but you should b...
Alisha Herrmann 9 months ago in Communication Center 0

Automatic fax confirmation image that imports into clinical history for Comm. center faxing.

Our clinic nursing staff wants a feature that will automatically log a fax confirmation into the patient's clinical history area. Nursing often has patients or other clinics that dispute if the information was actually faxed. The current fax log d...
Cole Romero over 2 years ago in Communication Center 3 In Development

Communication Center Mailbox replacing current Chart Communication app

Today it was stated that since Chart Communication is a legacy application it likely won't have any enhancements made to it. Comm Center Mailbox will likely replace Chart Communication. Although I believe this is a step in the right direction, I w...
Susan Gutjahr over 1 year ago in Communication Center 1 Product Owner Review

Send mail reflex notify in Charts side

When triggering a reflex in flowcharts or e forms, there should be a way to notify user in charts and not having to go into system menu
Guest 9 months ago in Communication Center / Electronic Forms / Flowcharts 0


I think it would be great to have the option to be able to just type in a fax number through Communication Center instead of having to add the number every time. Like the option we have in Thrive when faxing patient information through EMR you can...
Guest 7 months ago in Communication Center 1

Hide UBL extra for chart communication

Some users especially employed physicians have two UBLs: one for payroll and another for their provider role. It would be handy and less confusing for collaborators if they could have only one published name available for chart communication.
Michael Oberg about 1 month ago in Communication Center 0

Communication Center Fax Preview

It would be great to have a Fax preview panel like you have with email where you can select a fax and then you have a preview panel that pops up on the side so you can preview the fax without having to open it all the way up and it wouldn't mark i...
Cassi Loutzenhiser 5 months ago in Communication Center 0

Have a favorites or frequently used list for sending communications.

It would be a big timesaver if users were able to create a favorites or frequently used list of people they frequently send communicatons to. Clinic providers that send multiple messages a day to their nurse should not have to continuously type in...
Linda Beeson 8 months ago in Communication Center 1

Need to be able to mark favorites in Communications so you don't have to search for people.

When we send a communication and need to send it to someone, we need to have the capability to mark certain people as favorites. Our providers each have their own clinic nurse and would like to be able to mark them as a favorite so they don't alwa...
Linda Pfeifle 11 months ago in Communication Center 0

Saving select pages from faxes

The ability to save a range of pages from a fax to a patient account is a very nice feature. This needs to be expanded to allow for custom select pages. There are some faxes that come in that we need to save for example pages 1-3, 5, 7, and 9 to t...
Tara Elliott 4 months ago in Communication Center 1