Users, especially physicians would like the ability to sort the EDIS tracking board by more than just room number. Triage level or minutes since check in are just a couple that my providers have requested. Addendum: Now that most columns can be so...
Have Augmentin calculate like all other oral medications
Augmentin has to be set up as a compound item in the item master to enter the correct MG and not have an incorrect ML. This means that the system will not calculate the ML's at all so the nurse will have to figure out the correct ML's which can le...
Additional Filtering Capability for "Medications" Filters in Notes
Currently, there is no capability to indicate which medications were newly prescribed or newly modified during current visit. Our staff would like to be able to pull this data into the med list in Notes templates. Also, would like the option to be...
Kelsey Drouhard
over 2 years ago
in Notes
Product Owner Review
CLORD & CLSTAT What is it and why is it called that for Order Notifications
Consider changing the CLORD & CLSTAT........I usually lose everyone when explaining the CW4 & CW5 chartlink sides... can we simplify and title it what it is to be more user friendly?
Susie Cordilla
over 1 year ago
in Order Management
Already Exists
Our nursing staff in the clinic are requesting that comments can be marked to pull forward to the next chart. Reasons include documentation of: Manual BP, presence of a dialysis fistula, and extremity limitations. This would help staff across all ...
It would be nice to have an alert for BMI or weight in vital sign ranges. Patients having an elevated BMI or weight may have issues with certain hospital equipment such as beds, exam tables, surgery risk, etc.
Sarah Blazier
over 1 year ago
in Vital Signs
Product Owner Review
Currently dose checking does not occur on pharmacy items built as IV orders (multi-component order). I am not sure what triggers dose checking but I assume the NDC. I cannot imagine that the top item in the multiple component order at minimum coul...
Surgical hospitals need the surgery cost per case data from item master tab 2, pref cards charges or wasted that is viewable via the BID in a Surgeon productivity scorecard type of format see SIT 9458838 The ability to create productivity scorecar...