URGENT in Referral/Transition of Care Communication Area
Please can you add the option "URGENT" in the referral/transition of care field? We would also like to see the "URGENT" to run in the pulled report form the report dashboard.
In the vitals tab, there is no way to see who actually entered the vitals. It should either be on each entry, when you double click, on each column, or something. You have to be able to tell who entered them.
Linda Pfeifle
about 2 years ago
in Vital Signs
Already Exists
The ability to have an add on order option and a miscellaneous option for tests not in the system
This would flag the main lab that a test has been added from previous orders. It would also allow for entering the name of tests not in the menu to avoid confusion and missed tests.
Prescription renewals from the escribe folder need to have more options besides just deny or accept. Need to be able to send to another provider, adjust the # of tablets, and be able to renew a narc without having to deny and do a new one or prescription renewal from the prescription entry screen in patient's chart.
We recently migrated from Healthland to Thrive in July. The escribe folder needs to be revamped and the providers need to have more options. The providers need to be able to do more besides just accept or deny a prescription. Sometimes a dosage ma...
Prescription Entry - Associated Problem - required field
We would like to see a behavior control created that we can assign to make the associated problem field in prescription entry a required field. We have pharmacies that require it and as a policy we require it but staff/providers still forget and i...
Flagging chart if patient is in the ED greater than 240 minutes
We have to address and reorder home medications if a patient is in the ED greater than 240 minutes so having an alert or flagging the chart would be a nice reminder for the nursing staff and providers.
Kareen Adams
over 1 year ago
in HomeScreen
Product Owner Review
lab keep days and radiology keeps days should work independently
We recently realized that while lab and radiology have different keep days settings, they work in tandem if an account has both labs and radiology orders. Neither the account nor the lab and radiology order numbers will not purge until the highest...
Brad Legnon
over 2 years ago
in Ancillary
Product Owner Review
emergency contact-if entered in TWC Demographic on visit, update the card in Console
To go the suggested route for a nurse to update the patient's emergency contact in CPSI would take 22 clicks and put the clinical user in system menu/registration screens. When the demographics field in TWC is in the same clinical area as the flow...