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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

My ideas: TruBridge EHR - Clinical

Showing 1348 of 2042

The Allergies screen needs to have a print button.

There needs to be a way for you to be able to print allergies from the allergies screen by simply clicking on a print button or a pdf button to click print. Sometimes you just need a list of the allergies and want a nice printout of them.
Linda Pfeifle over 2 years ago in Medication Management 1 Product Owner Review

Nurses should be able to do prescriptions on a provider's behalf and then they should go to the provider for review, and they should be able to just sign them off or make any adjustments as needed.

We recently migrated from Healthland to Thrive in July. Our providers had the ability to have the nurses fill out all the prescription information, and then they went to the provider's queue for review where they could make any changes if necessar...
Linda Pfeifle over 2 years ago in Medication Management 1 Already Exists

Customize time filter in Web Client Medication list

Allow nurse to add a time filter to cover just their shift on the patient medication list. We used the Scheduled Med Report to remind us of times for medications. Medications were still pulled and administered according to the MAR. The report help...
Belinda Dorrance over 2 years ago in Medication Management 0 Already Exists

vital sign application: add the MUSE option

No description provided
Guest over 2 years ago in Vital Signs 0 More Information Needed

Past injections given in clinic

We would like to see if there could be a way to see past injections given in the clinic. We had a patient come in and they could not remember when they received a Kenalog. The nurse had to go back through several visits to see when it was given. I...
SHELLY RAMOS over 2 years ago in Medication Management 1 Already Exists

Discharge Summary

When printing the discharge summary from the printing area of POC, the new DC summary no longer has the continue, started, stopped area. It is just the med list. Patients and nurses loved to be able to see the continue, started and stopped areas. ...
Erika Ellis over 2 years ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical 0

Should be able to type something in word and format it exactly how you want it, copy it, and paste it in a note or note template in Thrive, and it should be formatted the exact same.

Recently we had a document that we already had in Microsoft Word that we wanted to use as a Note Template in Thrive. We copied it every way we knew how and no matter what we tried, the margins were never right. It showed a huge margin on the right...
Linda Pfeifle about 1 year ago in Notes 0

Notes Addendum Allow to Change Note Type

It would be really handy to have the addendum button in Notes allow for us to make an addendum and change the Note type. Currently, you have to edit the note to change the Note Type, which causes for the time and date stamp of the signature to be ...
Erika Ellis over 2 years ago in Notes 0 Product Owner Review

Prescription Management Area

We should have a Prescription management area similar to Order Sets. This way I could build my physicians favorites for them, as well as share them with their colleagues. When a new nurse is hired I can add the favorites for her. Right now I’m hav...
Guest over 2 years ago in Medication Management 0 Product Owner Review

Prescription Associate Problems transfers to Medication Reconciliation

We require that when a prescription is written the prescriber/staff enter associated problems as an indication for the prescription use. We would like these associated problems to transfer to Medication Reconciliation module under Indication. This...
Susan Gutjahr over 2 years ago in Medication Management 0