Historically there has always been an inconsistency with mouse clicks from one screen or application to another in TUX and even in TWC. Some areas respond to single clicks while others take a double click. Or in the case of Clinical History, one c...
location to put contacts and release of information level
Would be nice to have a location to place all those the facility is able to talk to about the client and the level of release of information that can be given to these individuals. For example, health information, financial information, all or none.
Providers would like to have a consistent way of knowing what a clients preferred name is. Can this be added to the demographics entry pages and display on the demographics bar?
Flowchart Free Text extra click before typing in web
When you double click to free text in a flowchart cell, the cursor is not in the text box when it opens like it used to be in the desktop version. you have to place the cursor in the box, whereas before it would allow you to just start typing
Jessica Clabaugh
about 1 month ago
in Flowcharts
Simplify process for adding sliding scale protocol to Insulin medication
Our providers have continuously had issues with attaching sliding scale protocols to Insulin medications. Can we explore ways to streamline this process so that it is fewer steps/clicks for the provider? Anything that would streamline this. It is ...
When utilizing Future Orders, we tend to send alot of orders to other facilities. When going in via chart>reports and attachments>orders>future orders, it would be beneficial to have the CPT code for the ordered test display on the genera...
Having a TAR for documenting Treatments would be useful
We have experienced a lapse in treatment administration being done by nursing staff. Having a TAR that they have to physically chart off the treatments would assist in avoiding missing treatments. At this time we either utilize the order chron (wh...
Med Reconciliation should be pulled to Patient Transfer Form
When the Med Rec on discharge is completed, the meds that pull to the Patient Transfer Form in Flow Charts should reflect that list. Instead, the PTF pulls all active pharmacy orders which is confusing to the receiving facility and is NOT the actu...
Allowing the discharge medication list to pull data from EMAR
We have an issue with the current process of last dose and next dose due. We need a way that the last dose due pulls from the EMAR and not have to manually entered in prescription entry. Our providers complete the Discharge Med rec and they do not...