On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )
I think it would beneficial to have an option for providers to "hold" an active order instead of discontinuing it or having nursing omit it daily on the MAR. That way it would be less of a chance of forgetting to continue it at a later date or upo...
Item master change would simultaneously update order sets/ charge sets
Would like if a item, pharmacy, nursing or ancillary is changed this would simultaneously update in the order sets and charge sets verses manually needing to go back and modify
When i am sending orderset to provider to review or as sample i have to do screen shots so they can see that orderset looks like. Need a way to autoprint ordersets to share with providers for editing and for downtime use.
Diana Trechter
over 1 year ago
in Order Management
Product Owner Review
Scanning DL/INS Card to their person profile without attaching to a visit
I find it very inconvenient that when a patient brings in a new insurance card for us to update their profile it has to be attached to a visit. Why is there not an option/tab to scan new/updated images without having to create a new visit?
We would like a field for Discharge Diagnosis added to the ER Log. Chief Complaint is used for symptoms, state surveyors will review our ER Log and our policy states it must have Discharge Diagnosis on the log
Leslie DeSmet
over 1 year ago
in Registration
Product Owner Review
I think TruLearn is a great resource to use for training purposes, however a lot of the role based courses are still using TUX. We need new courses that set a standardized workflow of how each role should perform their duties based in WebClient. E...
Caitlin Strapp
9 months ago
in TruLearn
In Development
For rural facilities many ERs dispense and send home medications since there isn't a 24 hour pharmacy. Many EHR have the seamless process of printing out proper medication labels and forms to package up a couple tablets to send home. Evident doesn...
ability to change date/time for multiple future orders at one time
We need the ability to be able to change the start date/time for multiple orders at one time. During the process of entering future orders, there is an option to change start date/time. However, if you choose this option while still in the pending...
Add a DSI that triggers an alert when any 2 systemic inflammatory responses (SIRs) are met.
Values: WBC>>12,000, HR>90, RR>20, temp> 100.4, Lactate>2.0. These are discreet values should trigger an alert for the nurse and MD. Patients, nurses, and doctors would benefit because the alert would prompt a review of the chart...
Drop Downs for Eforms- allow inactivation & sorting of entry
Drop downs should be able to be sorted in specific ways per organization preference: alpha, numeric, most commonly used. this is not the case, it is by entry. Anything newly added falls to the bottom. We use drop downs for staff listing in the OR,...