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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )
PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...

All ideas

Showing 2055

Add scanning to already scanned documents

It would be appropriate to be able to add additional scanned documents to already scanned documents in EFM. Example would be if a patient has filled out an ROI and this has been sent off to the facility we are needing the records from. A couple of...
Guest 23 days ago in HIM 0


When administering pain medications in the ER, a drop down box with the pain scale right on the administration screen would address fallouts that occur when medications are given to patients in settings where they are ordered as X1 STAT. Since the...
Mark Boomhower about 2 months ago in Medication Management 0

Read only access

We need the ability to have a true read only access role for offsite users. We have providers offices and agencies who need to print out records or review data in the system. They should be able to see the data, but never chart or change it. There...
sara downing about 2 months ago in Security 1

Program the "Physician Admit Reason" orders ICD10 codes to flow to ACTIVE Problems on the Problem List

With 2200 update, providers are now entering each individual admit reason through "Physician Admit Reason" order with the ICD10/SNOMED lookup. These should automatically flow over as ACTIVE problems in the problem list to reduce duplicate work.
Kelsey Drouhard 3 months ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical 0

Verify New Order Alert for ALL new Orders

We currently have an icon to alert us to verify Orders but it only alerts/shows up when Med Orders are placed. It would be great if the icon would show up when Any New Orders are place ie: Q2Turns, Vitals, Dietary Orders, Wound Care, etc. This wou...
Guest 23 days ago in Documentation 2

We should be able to see the Stay Type, Sub-type, and Service code in the ID panel, but at least have to see the service code so we know what kind of episode it is.

Our providers go from chart to chart a lot when a patient is being discharged from one service and admitted to another. This leads to providers entering incorrect information on the incorrect episode because they can't tell which episode they are ...
Linda Pfeifle 24 days ago in Demographics Panel / Thrive Web Client / Tracking Board | Patient Search 1 More Information Needed

Report for Missing IV Start/Stop Times and Undocumented/Missed Medications

It would be beneficial to have a report that shows any missing IV start/stop times as well as any undocumented medications in the MAR. I know that there are color indicators that are shown on the MAR and that the discharge checklist flags missing ...
Emily Stoddard 4 months ago in Clinical Report 0

Create note panel should not close if you discard a note.

When you discard a newly opened note in the "create note" panel the panel closes currently. There should be an option to leave the "create note" panel open in this situation or it should not close the panel if you discard the note. What happens is...
Guest 22 days ago in Notes 0

test new products fully before releasing

users are frustrated when a new product is installed and instantly it isn't working, when support is notified the answer is that it is a known problem and they are working with development
Cheryl Hinman 2 months ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical 1

Add verbal numerical pain scale and POSS before and after documentation on eMAR with pain medication.

Joint Commission requires specific pain scale ratings with each pain medication for mild, moderate, and severe pain med administrations on a 0-10 scale and adding the ability to document numerical pain scales on the Web Client eMAR will assist nur...
Guest 29 days ago in Medication Management 1