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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )

All ideas

Showing 2055

Allow age specific exclusion rules for auto publishing results to CCDA/Portal

It would be helpful to be able to make specific rules for minors for excluding sensitive results (like a preg. test) from the CCDA or the patient portal.
Kelsey Drouhard 3 months ago in MyCareCorner 3 Already Exists

Allow for re-print of the Delivery Ticket within the PO

Create a button or an area inside of the PO that allows us to re-print the delivery ticket instead of having to go out to the print report area.
Candace Hampton 6 months ago in Materials Management 0 Product Owner Review

Update single formulary medication as needed

When we get a new ndc in, a lot of times we get the message "invalid ndc." In Centriq, you could go in Medispan and update a single medication. We didn't have to wait for the monthly update. Also, it would pull all of the info from Medispan such a...
Shellie Brooks 11 months ago in Medication Management 4 Open for Comment

Infusion Turn Around Time Dashboard Report- to show start and stop times of individual administrations

This report could be useful for infusion times which assists with charges to a patient. As it is now this report is useless because it shows the start and stop times of the overall times not the individual start and stop times of each individual a...
Janna Sartin over 1 year ago in Medication Management 2 Open for Comment

Order Chronology Report

Order Status Report based on what pulls from Order Chronology. It needs to will show all orders (nursing, pharmacy, ancillary), Start date/time, order description, order status, ordering physician, order type, signed, department, order reason, fut...
Clarissa Calhoun over 1 year ago in HIM / Order Management 1 Product Owner Review

Pt. phone number

It would be nice to have a pt. phone number on id bar.
Amanda Caffey 7 months ago in Demographics Panel 4 Open for Comment


Providers get busy and don't think to select the Task button in the EMR and check their folders on the home screen. I've had providers flatly say they won't do it. When the user logs in, TWC will open to the last selection they used on previous se...
Mark Boomhower over 1 year ago in Order Management 0 Product Owner Review

Ability to Upload PDF documents in GL for Images

We are able to upload PDF files in the AP module rather than having to print off the documents and then scan them back in. However, in discussing with the support team in SIT #010092296, this is not a feature in the GL module. This would help save...
Renae Thomas 7 months ago in Accounting 1 Future Development

Nursing Order > Physician Admit Reason > attach dx for Order Set

Now that we have a Nursing Order that has a launch point for Physician Admit Reason it would be nice if when building Order Sets you could preselect a diagnosis for an Order Set so that I could have like a pneumonia order set and have the Physicia...
Cassi Loutzenhiser 7 months ago in Order Management 1

Photo markup in Notes

Ability in Notes to highlight parts of a inserted image to show where a specific injury is. Useful for when cases have to go to court and they want documentation on exactly where the injury was.
Guest over 2 years ago in Notes 2 Open for Comment