If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )
Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
Ability to send appointment reminders electronically, maybe even automatically (via text/email) with customizable patient instructions (e.g. Arrive Fasting, Bring Blood Sugar Logs, Do Not Take Blood Thinners Before Procedure, etc.) Customizable ch...
Shelby Edwards
over 2 years ago
in Patient Connect
Already Exists
Need 'entry out of range' for vital signs application
In the Vital signs application, there are no prompts for vital signs being out of range. If we are to move more to the Thrive UX/ TWC the functionality should also follow.
about 2 years ago
in Vital Signs
Already Exists
Reduce dependency on ACUCOBOL-GT for clinical processes
Over the last few weeks following a series of updates, our ACUCOBOL-GT license consumption has increased dramatically (no change in our workflow or processes), causing a fluctuating inability to use the system and this is impacting patient care. U...
Nikki Csiki
about 1 year ago
in Technical
Already Exists
Providers want to be able to cosign Notes en masse
I have multiple physicians wanting the ability to cosign Notes documents en masse. The complain that it takes too long to go through them one by one and that there are too many clicks.
Nikki Csiki
almost 2 years ago
in Notes
Already Exists
Clinic Providers: 1. Is there something on the provider side to see when the patient had their last echo, colonoscopy, pap smear, other procedures, etc would have been? 2. Is there an easier way to chart/document/do notes for providers and nurses ...
Paystubs should reflect the PTO balance at the time of payroll, not the current balance.
If you print a paystub in 3R it has the current PTO balance, not the balance that was available when they paystub was generated. A printed paystub should accurate reflect the data that was present at the time. Current information on a historical d...
Customizable "Action" column in EDIS Tracking board
For all or our new users, specifically providers, when they login to CPSI for the first time the Lab Results icon defaults to "Test", which is very messy and not reviewable. we have to have them change to "Comparative". Can we just have this defau...
Allow additional provider context with patient diagnosis such as labs, meds, and others orders associated with that condition. Such as diabetes problem including recent glucose, a1c, insulin orders, encounters with that problem addressed, ETC.
Allow interactive tracking boards to HIDE empty rooms (Web Client)
Currently, only "View Only" tracking boards can be set to not show empty rooms. My nurses station board include "Notifications" which makes it an interactive board. M board is bogged down with all of the extra unoccupied rooms. I would like to be ...