Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity SOGI to pull into other visits
Right now, having to address Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in each chart. If they have been here before and they return these should remain. This is entered by a link in the ID Panel that links to Health History > Social History > S...
Janna Sartin
about 2 months ago
in Health History
More Information Needed
The clinic providers would like the option to add DX to the problem list from Future Order Entry. Is that possible? We gave them a presentation today on Medical Necessity at order entry and showed them the various ways they could enter DX and revi...
Need to have a way (Patient Connect) for patient's to complete an intake on their past medical, family, social history, medications and allergies that can be reconcilled by staff to incorporate into chart. This will significantly decrease intake t...
When there is no Health History, it needs to say None documented
It takes so long for Health History to load and when there is no health history information documented, you don't know if you are still waiting for it to load or if there really is no documentation.
Angela Plummer
5 months ago
in Health History
Open for Comment
Entering data into the health history application is a bit time-consuming. If there were a way to input social history directly into the console, which would subsequently update the health history module, it would make the process a bit more easier
We are required to enter sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) information. There is not a report that will capture this data. A report would be beneficial for the following reasons: 1. New process monitoring - is the process implemented a...
Health History - need to be able to save without entering exact date
Attempting to use the Health History to compile best medical history for our patients. It was noted under Health Equipment Use: users are not able to Save without entering a specific date. If patient does not know exact date – it would be nice to ...
Tricia Matthews
7 months ago
in Health History
Open for Comment
ADD patient screenings to Health History Application
Would like to see screenings added to the health history application or somewhere in the inpatient documentation. Screenings to Include- social determinants of health, suicide, depression, etc...