We need the ability to have a true read only access role for offsite users. We have providers offices and agencies who need to print out records or review data in the system. They should be able to see the data, but never chart or change it. There...
Unfortunately, we have FREQUENT issues where our interfaces completely stop. When this happens, there is ZERO information provided on the IMS Dashboard to identify that there is a problem. We have to open a ticket and inevitably hear that our ENGQ...
Currently the Profile Listing and the Scheduling Module do not speak to each other. Once a patient is scheduled none of the information updated in the profile listing will update on the schedule. This means if a patient calls and updates their pho...
Table Maintenance needs Active/Inactive displays and options
All tables need the ability to display Active/Inactive/All. This exists in some locations already like Scheduling Locations and Scheduling Tasks. Other Dream Factory ideas exist for other tables like Physicians and Item Master. It needs to be ever...
Password Reset for My Care Corner within TruBridge
It would be nice to have a way to send patients a password reset for their portal within their TruBridge account. We have patients call for this often and it is not intuitive for them to get to the "Forgot Password" option on My Care Corner websit...
Kelsey Drouhard
about 16 hours ago
in MyCareCorner
when an IV medication requires more than 3 ingredients to be mixed, it prints on two separate labels due to the size. We were instructed to just cut the labels and tape together to make it work. This seems to be an easy fix on adjusting the size c...
Can you consider adding an enhancement to allow all 4 modifiers to interface through from the TruBridge encoder to Thrive?
In coding, 4 modifiers are allowed to be appended to any given CPT or HCPCS code. The TruBridge Encoder allows 4 modifiers to be appended but when the account is interfaced from the encoder back into Thrive the interface only allows 2 and the othe...
When we add new providers to our system, within registration the phys number will auto generate when users select "new." When going into tables>clinical>physician>new the physician number is a free text area. Would be nice to set this up ...
Capability to create a "Favorites" list in Patient Education Documents
It would be beneficial if we were able to create a "Favorites" list per user in Patient Education Documents instead of having to search for frequently used patient education (example - tylenol and ibuprofen doses for children, CHF, pneumonia, etc.).
It would be a great help if there were tools for those that build flowcharts, eforms, etc where they can run a report to see everyplace that a question is used on different flowcharts or a drop down is used on any eforms. Consider if you wanted to...
Jessica Clabaugh
about 2 months ago
in Technical