Need a way to send out manually an appointment reminder with a confirmation link. We have had several patients forget their appointment times and will call the facility, would be nice if we could re-push the reminder to them with the information a...
Tara Elliott
3 months ago
in Patient Connect
Future Development
For autocreation of an account add the ability to designate a service code and Provider on Tasks
Our facility would like to turn on the autocreation of a scheduled visit, but we cannot due to the programming of this function. Currently the visit information is entered on the resource location which causes problems when the service code is dif...
Krystal Anderson
6 months ago
in Patient Connect
Future Development
Patient Connect choose which task to send text message, not all
When using Pt Connect to send texts to patients. Would like a way to turn off texts to patients on just some of the task descriptions. Otherwise, system sends multiple messages.
Cindi Gartman
almost 2 years ago
in Patient Connect
Future Development
When you login into web client on PC you have that minimize arrow at the bottom. When using a tablet this option has went away. With some of our smaller tablets it's hard to navigate without the option to minimize this. Can this be added back?
Preferred Name Used printed on facesheet and on schedule
Is there a way to have the patients preferred name or name they want to go by, printed on demo sheet, patient name band, patient sticker, and on the scheduler?
We would like to see a process/capability within the pharmacy application in Thrive Web Client for pharmacy staff to be able to scan medication barcodes prior to dispensing medications and while restocking in the pharmacy. This would be an extra p...