If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )
when printing pdf form of GRN it would be nice to have pricing show
We print out GRN but it doesn't show what pricing was, so person verifying this- in my case pharmacist is not sure that tech entered correctly. If pricing was showing on GRN form that we print out, it would be more of a confirmation that PO was do...
when working in FMS Inventory Count- be able to set a preference where it says Inventory adjustment type- Would prefer Quantity Difference
When adjusting meds out due to waste, out of date,loss, etc on every single item it pops up physical inventory count & we have to change it to quantity difference. it would be nice if we could set a preference here. Sometimes we forget to chan...
We would like it if we could make the accommodation code a required field as sometimes it is missed and then of course it charges the wrong room rate. We would need this to be required on a full registration as well as when nurses do registration ...
Linda Pfeifle
about 1 year ago
in Registration
Product Owner Review
Location maintenance update stay type for Critical Access Module
Location Maintenance allows the user access to all of the fields that are required to be filled in when changing the Stay Type. Why is the change of stay type not captured through the Location Maintenance for the Critical Access Module to create t...
Medical Records - Move/Transfer Clinical Documentation and Data to another Visit
Medical Records or Authorized Team Member needs a more efficient way to transfer, verify, and authorize patient data to be transferred/moved to another visit. Currently clients are having to manually print and rescan. Or upload into PDF.
Clarissa Calhoun
over 1 year ago
in HIM
More Information Needed
I think a great part of customer service would be to get a team on site at your facilities every 3-5 years for a follow up, no matter how long a client has been with you, to make sure the software is getting used to the best of its abilities over ...
It would be nice for the system to automatically put a discharge disposition on our Inpatient stay types of D (Still Patient). Our syndromic interface is getting real time messages and we get dinged that we do not always get this added at time of ...
Jennifer Baumgartner
4 months ago
in Registration
Reporting- SQL Query, Data Dictionary, Data Mining - Query, Build, Create, Save Custom Reports
Currently many clients are performing merges of Thrive Traditional Ad Hoc(s) and Report Dashboard CSV format reports for analysis. Many of the specific combinations of data points are not available in either Thrive Ad Hoc, POC AdHoc Reporting, and...