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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )
PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...

All ideas

Showing 2062

Prompt to complete a Temp Reg prior to Discharge

Need a prompt to Complete a Temp Reg prior to discharging patient from ED in Web Client
Cindi Gartman over 1 year ago in Registration / TruBridge EHR - Financial 2 Product Owner Review

Please find a way to eliminate the "protocol handler" pop-up and all end-user steps from Web Client

If providers want to edit transcriptions from Web Client, they must have first have authorized the "protocol handler" from the pop-up. To even get this pop-up, security to access TUX System Menu from TWC must be added to the role/UBL. Furthermore,...
Nikki Csiki almost 2 years ago in Technical / Thrive Web Client 0 Unlikely to Implement

ID Ribbon- if not filled in no assume or unknown just blank

Update 21.05.00 new ID Ribbon: a. if Admin Gender is not filled in at the admission profile level it says unknown gender- should just be blank b. if code status is not filled in in the profile or in Demographics > Encounter it says assume full ...
Janna Sartin over 1 year ago in Demographics Panel 3 Open for Comment

Addition of Cardiovascular Risk Calculator to Lipid Profile Results

Our providers currently have to manually pull out their phone and plug data in to an app to calculate a patients CV Risk off of their lipid panel/profile results. We would like to see a CV Risk Calculator built in to the lab system that would take...
Susan Gutjahr over 1 year ago in Ancillary 0

improve population of vitals in eforms

In eforms now, I have to have the TBPR combo, then spo2 combo and then ht/wt on the eform separately and they have to be done individually to all populate. If we could have one application for vitals and all areas that are charted populate on the ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Electronic Forms / Vital Signs 4

Referral/transition of care - add favourites to indexes

We use the referrals and transitions of care application heavily. We have a dedicated team that performs the scheduling of referrals. There are lists used in the creation process that are long and tedious to sift through. As of now, these lists ca...
Kenneth Langworthy 10 months ago in Health History 1 Open for Comment

Report for flowchart management

It would be nice to have a report where we can see active, inactive, most used flowcharts. Also by users, this would make for easier nursing audits
Carol Bart-Elliott 10 months ago in Flowcharts 0

Need e-form database code that pulls the entire providers name, not just the abbreviated name.

Currently, the only provider database codes that pull data into an e-form are ones that pull an abbreviated version of the providers name. We would like a database code created that will pull the entire providers name into the field.
Linda Beeson over 1 year ago in Electronic Forms 0 Product Owner Review

Advance Directives question needs to populate from demographics < personal < advanced directives and go to the profile.

Right now the advanced directive answer of yes, no, or unknown only shows up on the ID panel for the visit when it is entered to demographics < personal < advanced directive and does not flow to the profile. That means the next time the pati...
Linda Pfeifle 12 months ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical 1

JB Item Master Search Listing More Detail

It would be nice that when you are searching for an item that the list that shows on the screen include: number, description, CPT, Summary Code, Rate, Status (active/termed), if charge has additional charges (Y/N). It would also be good to be able...
Jennifer Baumgartner over 1 year ago in AR | Revenue Cycle 0 Product Owner Review