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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )

All ideas

Showing 2056

Need End tidal Co2 and foley cath temp options in vitals

There is currently no place to add End tidal CO2 and Foley Cath temps End tidal CO2 is important in Codes, patients on PCA narcotic medications and Foley Cath temp needs to be closely monitored in certain patients
Tara Paisano about 2 years ago in Vital Signs 0 Product Owner Review

Electronic Prescriptions - sorting

As we begin to use the Electronic Prescriptions home screen folder application in preparation for E-Scribe to sunset with 21.07.00, we are finding that if we have sorted columns to work in patient name order or physician order, when the screen ref...
Susan Gutjahr 9 months ago in Medication Management 0

MyCareCorner Lab Result colors

Hello. Currently in MCC lab result values will appear green if in range and pink if out of range. This has been reported by users as troublesome when they are printed and then faxed or scanned since these colors are not bold. My suggestion is to m...
Amanda Barton over 1 year ago in MyCareCorner 2 Product Owner Review

Barcode Scanning in Pharmacy

We would like to see a process/capability within the pharmacy application in Thrive Web Client for pharmacy staff to be able to scan medication barcodes prior to dispensing medications and while restocking in the pharmacy. This would be an extra p...
Mamie Baker over 1 year ago in Medication Management / Thrive Web Client 2 Future Development

Nursing Care Plan Report

It would be great if we had a report to run if the nursing care plans are added and interventions/assessments are performed by the care team on multiple patients simultaneously. Currently, we can only run it as the Problem Activity Report on one a...
Guest about 1 year ago in Documentation / TruBridge EHR - Clinical 1 More Information Needed

Add Service Code to Filter in Notes Template

This would be a helpful tool for Coders to have when they are reading notes to be sure that they have the correct document pertaining to the service code.
Cheryl Hinman 6 months ago in Notes 0

Discharge disposition for inpatients

It would be nice for the system to automatically put a discharge disposition on our Inpatient stay types of D (Still Patient). Our syndromic interface is getting real time messages and we get dinged that we do not always get this added at time of ...
Jennifer Baumgartner 6 months ago in Registration 0

Eform Filters

Add E-form Filters, that are for each printed page, (like Notes and PDC). We are having the issue with Patient Demographics not being on every page and when the e-form needs to be printed, with how they are set-up now in WebClient, you can't guara...
Angela Plummer over 2 years ago in Electronic Forms 1 Product Owner Review

REMOVE discontinue button from the medication administration screen

Staff should not have the ability to DISCONTINUE a medication from the administration screen. Meds should only be discontinued from the order chronology. This is a huge safety issue that allows for staff to accidentally discontinue the entire order.
Guest over 1 year ago in Medication Management 0 Product Owner Review

Ability to Print MAR for Shift

Staff need the ability to print the MAR for their patients from the MAR screen. They should be able to select it for their shift.
Guest over 1 year ago in Medication Management 3 Already Exists