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Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
When a patient has a long first or last name it doesn't fall corrected on facesheets, labels, reports, etc but when patients have a space in their last name (2 "words" or more) it doesn't fall right on the claims, state data, statics etc
Need the ability to add JW/JZ waste modifiers manually on existing charges without dropping a new charge.
We charge medications on dispense from Pyxis. Some of our patients do not have medication orders on the MAR. For these patients, we must credit the initial charge, and then recharge with the waste modifier. Also, for some of these medications, onl...
Providers are inundated with "New Lab Results to Review" in their lab screen folder and can easily get behind with acknowledging results in busy clinics. There's no way to search folders by account number or name and results populate the folder as...
SAFER - Warning when accessing a deceased patient record
The SAFER patient identification best practices recommend that when someone tries to create a new visit or document on a deceased patient's record they are presented a warning that this patient is deceased, do you want to continue? This is a very ...
Spell Check in Notes needs to be more like Microsoft Word so it auto corrects.
There are always so many common misspelled words such as teh or pateint that are misspelled. They don't always use spell check either because they don't think of it or because they are so used to using Microsoft Word which auto corrects. It would ...
Linda Pfeifle
almost 2 years ago
in Notes
Product Owner Review
Allowing the discharge medication list to pull data from EMAR
We have an issue with the current process of last dose and next dose due. We need a way that the last dose due pulls from the EMAR and not have to manually entered in prescription entry. Our providers complete the Discharge Med rec and they do not...
Open up business intelligence reporting to allow users to actually build our own reports.
Would like to see the ability to select and pull data from the database to build any report we determine is necessary. Would also like the ability to share these reports we would create with other facilities.
Need a Nursing Reviewed option in Order Chronology to be used every shift
Every shift nursing should be reviewing all of the orders in order chronology and documenting that they have done so. Documentation of this verifies that the chart has been reviewed by nursing and that care is appropriate. There should be a REVIEW...
The PRN reason for the medication should display on the eMAR. This will allow nurses to easily find a medication to give for the condition being treated. For instance, there may be several medications prescribed for different pain levels. This wou...