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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )
PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...

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Showing 2055

At Risk Patient Alert

This alert would prompt ED providers that the patient is potentially At Risk if discharged home. The alert would be triggered by patient's chief complaint, abnormal vital signs, abnormal lab value or erroneous physical exam documentation by the ED...
Jana Shelton 23 days ago in Clinical Report 0

Add NDC field in Order Entry for injections brought from patient's home

When people bring there own medication injections in, we need a spot to put the NDC number in order entry. This is because some payers require the NDC number for all injections given, even if the patient brings in their own medication.
Georgia Finch 23 days ago in Order Management 0

Cardiac Medications

We have providers who have voiced that they would love it if when a cardiac related medication is ordered, that nursing staff have to enter the blood pressure and heart rate into the medication area prior to administering. This would create a chec...
CHELSEA DALTON 11 months ago in Medication Management 1

More room for long or hyphenated patient names

When a patient has a long first or last name it doesn't fall corrected on facesheets, labels, reports, etc but when patients have a space in their last name (2 "words" or more) it doesn't fall right on the claims, state data, statics etc
DeeAnn Wells about 1 year ago in Demographics Panel / Registration 4 Product Owner Review


Providers are inundated with "New Lab Results to Review" in their lab screen folder and can easily get behind with acknowledging results in busy clinics. There's no way to search folders by account number or name and results populate the folder as...
Mark Boomhower 9 months ago in HomeScreen 2

pinning situations

I would like to be able to pin or make a list of the situations that I am keeping track of without having to search for them everytime I need to look at it.
Guest over 1 year ago in TruBridge Client Center 2 Product Owner Review

Allowing the discharge medication list to pull data from EMAR

We have an issue with the current process of last dose and next dose due. We need a way that the last dose due pulls from the EMAR and not have to manually entered in prescription entry. Our providers complete the Discharge Med rec and they do not...
Guest 4 months ago in Medication Management 0

GCS with VS

Add GCS assessment with VS to simplify GCS documentation and trending. (add drop down menu to mark if patient is sedated or not)
Jessica Raymer 7 months ago in Vital Signs 0

SAFER - Warning when accessing a deceased patient record

The SAFER patient identification best practices recommend that when someone tries to create a new visit or document on a deceased patient's record they are presented a warning that this patient is deceased, do you want to continue? This is a very ...
Susan Gutjahr about 1 year ago in Documentation / Registration 2 Product Owner Review

Spell Check in Notes needs to be more like Microsoft Word so it auto corrects.

There are always so many common misspelled words such as teh or pateint that are misspelled. They don't always use spell check either because they don't think of it or because they are so used to using Microsoft Word which auto corrects. It would ...
Linda Pfeifle almost 2 years ago in Notes 1 Product Owner Review