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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )
PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...

All ideas

Showing 2055

Pharmacy needs a check box on formulary items for PIMS.

Potentially inappropriate medications for older adults (PIMS) is now a review requirement by CMS (Age Friendly Hospital Measure Domain 2: Responsible Medication Management). We need a way to flag these items in our formulary with a check box, then...
Damond Erickson 3 months ago in Medication Management 1

Just-Like option Home screen folder set up and cosign and login associations.

System Administrator should have the option to just-like Home screen folder set-up when creating a new user. This would also be very helpful when setting up login associations and/or cosign associations under events in system administration.
Sabrina Wiles over 2 years ago in Security 3 Product Owner Review

Notifications on tracking board

Would it be possible to have dressing change orders or other nursing orders populate to the tracking board or entered on tracking board like the status column. Some of these items do not show up on your MAR. We used the whiteboard to communicate t...
Rachael Cummins over 1 year ago in Tracking Board | Patient Search 0 Product Owner Review

System Menu to be set up like charts with a basic information ribbon at the top + multiple tabs

When talking with an insurance company or continuation of carte facility it would be nice to have some basic information at the top of the screen so you are not having to click into so many different screens to get a name, DOB, address, phone #, D...
DeeAnn Wells 9 months ago in Registration 0

EMR view of Flowchart documentation

Create a view of the documentation per flowchart entry, like notes and eforms. I know the current coding creates entries with different times so everything doesn't always populate in the same timeframe, but it is virtually impossible for providers...
Jessica Clabaugh 4 months ago in Flowcharts 0

vital sign application launch point

Create a launch point application for vitals in eforms just like allergies, med rec and health history. The current vitals application in eforms is clunky and the vitals application itself is wonderful. Also- be able to add ht/wt at the same time,...
Lexie Tulak 9 months ago in Vital Signs 2 Open for Comment

Add standardized scales for fall, braden, sepsis, dvt, etc

Many EMR's have standard scales built in, so wondering if CPSI could build eforms, flowchart or notes that have all the standard scales and the group could put in votes for priority ones but i think many of them are national and we are all re-doin...
Diana Trechter over 2 years ago in Documentation 5 Product Owner Review

Building of Order Sets, Click and drag

It would be much easier if we can drag and drop the orders when building new order sets for placement versus highlighting and having to click move up multiple times when modifying an order.
Guest about 1 year ago in Order Management 2

Phone Number Changes in Scheduling to go to Profile

We are able to change the Opt In/Opt Out in scheduling but it would really nice for our staff that schedule and not touch registration to be able to change patient phone numbers in scheduling and not have to access patient accounting to change it ...
Jennifer Baumgartner 6 months ago in Patient Scheduling 0

Notes to Pull Order Chronology and Radiology Readings

It would be helpful if there will be filter that could capture information from Order Chronology and also Radiology readings. It would be helpful for providers in their notes.
Guest almost 2 years ago in Ancillary / Notes / Order Management 11 More Information Needed