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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Medication Management

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Alert when scanning pt own med

When a medication is labeled pt own med, the medications do not charge because it believes the patient is getting the medication from patient's own supply. When a scan occurs on these meds there needs to be an alert that pops up that this medicati...
Janna Sartin 5 months ago in Medication Management 0

Please make changes that will increase the safety of using compounded medications

Currently, using compounded medications with Thrive has associated several safety concerns. Barcode scanning can only be associated with one medication. For compounded medications that have > 1 medication, clinical monitoring cannot be done. th...
kimberly hennigan over 1 year ago in Medication Management 0

Copy IV Fluid Start Time to Stop Time

On IV fluids, it would be great if webclient could allow for the stop time of bag #2 to be the start time of bag #3, that way the nurses wouldn't have to remember to click "infusion complete" for bag #2. As long as he/she documented a start time o...
Bailey Creamer about 1 year ago in Medication Management 0

refill task screen unable to access if unmatched RX

when doing refill from the task screen if its not matching up you have no way of going into the chart to make changes from there
Brittany Salazar almost 2 years ago in Medication Management 4 Product Owner Review

Need ability at add alternate Medication label TTY for Nursing department

When a client has a remote pharmacy with a second medication label printer there should be the ability when printing a medication label from Point of Care Order Detail to select an alternate printer. The nursing station department contains the def...
Guest about 2 years ago in Medication Management / Order Management 0 More Information Needed

Console Home Medication Card-No home meds

When you select no home medications on the medication reconciliation and confirm it, the console card does NOT show no home medications, it shows no data to display, the same as it does when home medicatoins have not been addressed. So it appears ...
sara downing about 1 year ago in Medication Management / Patient Data Console 1 Future Development

Do not allow free text entry for route of administration on medication orders.

Free text entry of route of administration should not be allowed when entering medication orders. This will cause the MAR to lock up and all meds to be inaccessible to any nurse for that patient until the medication is dc'd and reordered with a ro...
Linda Beeson about 1 year ago in Medication Management / Order Management 1 More Information Needed

Medication reconciliation bypass for escribe

To acheive the escribe measure for Promoting Interoperability with PDMP, the physician must escribe a narcotic and access the PDMP. However, at our facility, the surgeon typically escribes their discharge medication prior to discharge (right after...
Sarah Blazier about 2 years ago in Medication Management 2 Product Owner Review

Components of IV Order editable in Order Set Creation

We really need the components of IV Order to be editable in Order Set creation because currently I have to put in the instructions what the dosage is actually supposed to be so for example 2gms instead of 1gm and then I have to educate nursing tha...
Cassi Loutzenhiser about 1 year ago in Medication Management / Order Management 1 Open for Comment

Second Witness

Second Witness requires a UBL / Password. It needs to allow SAML authentication or an Elevated level and not rely on UBL / Passwords. Please see Idea created: DFE-I-1770 and DFE-I-762
Richard Truex 9 months ago in Medication Management 1