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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal


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scanning option was WAY better in centriq we need to bring that over to thrive
Kiley McNemar 10 months ago in Registration 0

Add last date completed on the MSP Questionnaire

It would expedite registration if they could see when the MSP questionnaire was completed last - if it had been completed within the last 90 days.
Renee Mann over 2 years ago in Registration 0 Product Owner Review

Auto populate the identifier number with the last 4 of the system assigned SSN

Turns out we have a staff member that spends hours a month manually going into charts to read the computer generated fake SSNs (when patients do not provide them) then putting the last 4 into the identifier field. Why not automate this process?
Janna Sartin 10 months ago in Registration 0

Notification the ED Departure Date cannot be prior to Arrival in EDIS

In ED Nursing Documentation when a patient is here over midnight, we often have charts that fall out because the ED Departure Date is before the arrival date. It would be nice if nurses got a pop up that says departure cannot be prior to arrival. ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Registration / TruBridge EHR - Clinical 0 Product Owner Review

Create a Launch team that goes to the site to help correctly train and work out issues in registration for two weeks

One of the biggest issues I have seen between sites and CPSI team are issues with registration and proper verifications. The success and failure of a facility starts with registration and accurately getting patient information. A team (one or two ...
AMY Henderson over 2 years ago in Registration 1 Product Owner Review

EDIS Workflow Need - Add Attending Physician Field in "Admit to Hospital"

Clients that utilize EDIS Modules that use the "Admit to Hospital" Function there is not a field to assign the attending physician. Web Client >Charts > EDIS Tracking Board > Select Room > Admit to Hospital > Update all fields. >...
Clarissa Calhoun about 2 years ago in Registration / Tracking Board | Patient Search 0 Product Owner Review

Launch team train and resolve registration and billing issues at the site when needed

A CPSI biller on site for training sessions would allow registration to more efficiently process patient information and minimize insurance delays and decrease bills to patients that are not necessary. The success of a medical practice starts with...
AMY Henderson over 1 year ago in Registration 0 Product Owner Review

PHysician list at registration

The physician list at registration defaults to staff, this should default to all and save some time when the clerks have to search for a physician in both lists before they know they have to add them or not, then allow them the ability to edit pho...
Susie Cordilla about 2 years ago in Registration 0 Product Owner Review


Right now on Admin Gender in Demographics the only options are -blank-, Female, Male, Other, Unknown. So can we add Transman, Transwoman, Genderqueer, Non-Binary, Decline to Answer, Not Specified as options like it gives you in Healthy History-sex...
Kiley McNemar 9 months ago in Registration 1 Unlikely to Implement

Add ability to edit physician demographics from the Phys Phone/Fax button on HBM

It would be helpful to have the ability to modify physician demographic information during registration, or from the Phys Phone/Fax lookup in the hospital base menu. If changes need to be made after a provider is initially entered, the work is sen...
Guest over 2 years ago in Registration 0 Product Owner Review