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My ideas: TruBridge EHR - Clinical

Showing 1302 of 1962

Order Chronology/MAR need to show when component is added to IVF

When you are entering an order for IVF and you add a component to it like an antibiotic or another medication, that needs to show up on the MAR and in order chronology on the initial screen. We need to be able to see what is actually being ordered...
Linda Pfeifle about 2 years ago in Medication Management / Order Management 0 Product Owner Review

Barcode Collect and Receive through Thrive Client in Laboratory Application

The system does not currently have a mechanism to collect and/or receive laboratory specimens in Thrive via just scanning the barcode on the tube. We should be able to scan the tube to mark it either collected, received, or collected/received. (Th...
Luke Kumberg over 2 years ago in Ancillary 0 Product Owner Review

Create Nursing Order

Create Nursing Order should be an option when building Order Sets/Item Master for Ancillary Orders. For example: Ancillary order for Oxygen, I want to be able to default check Create Nursing Order
Angela Plummer over 1 year ago in Order Management 0 Product Owner Review

Want to be able to easily find the patient profile from the lab department, choose/print lab results based on type of lab (example: all creatinines, all cardiacs, CBC, CMP, lipid, etc.), by visit, by date range, etc. for at least a year prior.

There should be a button/drop down to find the profile of the patient, and then from there either choose certain tests and/or episodes and/or dates to print. We had this in Centriq and could do it on the clinical side and on the lab side.
Linda Pfeifle over 1 year ago in Ancillary 14 Unlikely to Implement

Note favorites

Note favorite list is to congested for those that have multiple notes. I there away to bulliet point them or number them?
Angela Plummer over 1 year ago in Notes 0 Product Owner Review

Soft Stop Warning Prior to Med Administration

Please provide a pop up warning in the MAR when a med is scanned past it's soft stop date/time and require nurse to acknowledge/override and provide a reason if they still want to administer.
Kelsey Drouhard about 1 year ago in Medication Management 0

Whiteboard Turnaround Time Report

In the older version of EWS, I have notes to run a "Whiteboard Turnaround Time Report", but I was told that this functionality was lost in the new version of the system. I would love to see that report come back as it was very useful in working th...
Guest about 1 year ago in Tracking Board | Patient Search 0

Dietary preference options

I would like to see that dietary could enter patient specific preference and they print on the index card. For example, if a patient doesn't drink tea and would prefer a soda, we could enter that info and when we print the card it would show that ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Ancillary 0

Need to be able to import information from health apps, fitness apps, etc.

With all the health apps, fitness apps, etc. that people use, we should be able to import those results into their charts. That would probably give a better picture of people's actual health with heart rates, blood pressures, activity, etc. At one...
Linda Pfeifle about 1 year ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical 0

Choose Labs to insert into Note

As we move providers to Notes, they are finding out that they can no longer pick which lab data they want in their note like in PhysDoc. Multiple providers have voiced that this was an extremely helpful feature and they could select data from diff...
Maryanne B about 2 years ago in Notes 4 Product Owner Review