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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )

All ideas

Showing 2055

Recurring patient balances going into Persona Pay before discharge

We have a PT clinic as well as wound care and cardica/pulmonary rehabs that have patient balances after insurance has processed, but those balances don't go into the patient payment portal until the entire visit has been discharged. It would be ni...
Guest 5 months ago in AR | Revenue Cycle 1

need to be able to edit Marital Status Codes

The system has many codes for Marital status that are not compatible with other systems that it interfaces with, such as PACS for Imaging. When these don't match, the orders will not cross the PACS interface. This delays care as the users are inve...
Cheryl Hinman about 2 months ago in Registration 0

Autocapitalization in Notes when using numbering or bullets

Within the Notes application, the system does not auto capitalize the first letter of a bullet point (whether using numbering or regular bullet points).
Brad Legnon about 2 months ago in Documentation 0

require more fields for childrens immunizations

Our OB department manager would like more of the fields required or the option to require with a answer or N/A as many of the fields are being missed, specifically: VFC status Vaccine Funding source Publicly supplied (check box) Vaccine informatio...
Diana Trechter 3 months ago in Immunizations 0 Open for Comment

Restrict medications from being added as a component

Pharmacy needs the option to allow which medications are allowed to be added as a component to IV bags. Certain medications should never be given IV and even if defaulted as IM the users are able to order the bag and then add the medications. This...
Brandy Wolf 3 months ago in Medication Management 0

Add ability to scan orders to patient profile, set reoccurrence and expiration date

When outpatient orders are received from outside facilities there needs to be a better way to store these orders electronically. I would like to be able to scan these documents or add them via the communication center faxing to the patient profile...
Krystal Anderson 8 months ago in Order Management 4

Need the ability to add JW/JZ waste modifiers manually on existing charges without dropping a new charge.

We charge medications on dispense from Pyxis. Some of our patients do not have medication orders on the MAR. For these patients, we must credit the initial charge, and then recharge with the waste modifier. Also, for some of these medications, onl...
Guest 2 months ago in Medication Management 0

Scheduling from communications

I get oodles of communications from many different people for many different reasons and currently I have to take a screen shot or write all the information down from the communication to be able to call and schedule a patient. I would love to be ...
Alisha Kaup 5 months ago in Dream Factory 0

Medication Warning and Override report should pull ALL medication admin warnings.

From Ticket 10160691, trying to follow up on reported medication administration functioning not performing correctly that involved receiving a warning message that the nurse had to acknowledge during administration, we were suprised not to find th...
Kim M Carr 3 months ago in Medication Management 3

Order Set Pre-Check for new Structured Orders that update Demographics

We used to have Code Status pre-checked on our admission order sets so that providers would not forget to order it. Now that we have built out the structured orders, we can no longer pre-check and it has been forgotten on numerous patients. It wou...
Kelsey Drouhard 22 days ago in Order Management 2