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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )
PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...

All ideas

Showing 94

Only pull active users when assigning or pushing a PDC Board

Right now, when you are assigning a board to a provider or clinical staff, in the PDC, the dropdown only pulls their name, and it pulls all the names, regardless of if they are disabled. This includes the cpsi numbers before we added letter before...
Diana Trechter about 2 years ago in Patient Data Console 1 Shipped

MCC Printed Portal Invite does not contain any pt identifiers

We brought this issue up when MCC first went live that the printed portal invite does not contain any patient identifiers. As we have busy clinics with multiple registrars using the same printer, it is very easy with at least a patient name on the...
Susan Gutjahr over 1 year ago in MyCareCorner 0 Shipped

HIM Coding - Launch Encoder and Import Codes within Grouper

Within the Grouper Summary Screen, Diagnosis Screen, and/or Procedure Screen. Create button Launch Encoder and Import from Encoder. Create a way for coders to launch encoder and import codes within the Grouper.
Clarissa Calhoun over 2 years ago in HIM 0 Shipped

There should be a better requisitioning/checkout process for materials management/central supply.

The current requisition process for supplies is archaic. There should be a better way to check items out, such as a barcode scanner. It is time consuming to make requisitions manually.
Emily Stoddard over 2 years ago in Financial Management Suite (FMS) / Materials Management 2 Shipped

Add check number to AP Invoice Form - v2.2.1

Please add the check number to the AP Invoice Form in the window on the right. Right now we have to click on 6 items to get to the check number.
Joni Haren about 1 year ago in Financial Management Suite (FMS) 5 Shipped

EDIS Tracking Board - Physician Decision to Admit Times

Currently, Throughput Times in Notifications has Physician Decision to Admit time in Red. When the ED Provider enters a time for "Patient Seen by Provider in ED Date/Time" the alert is not satisfied. When looking at the tracking board, you have to...
Tabitha Stanfast over 1 year ago in HomeScreen / Tracking Board | Patient Search 0 Shipped

Customize code status options.... DNR-CC, DNR-CCA

I was really excited about this new functionality in order entry until I realized the only code status options are what is already available in the demographics code status dropdown box. The order entry concept is great. However, it does not sol...
Stephanie Yoder 11 months ago in Demographics Panel 1 Shipped

Increase view resolution of new Demographic Bar in TWC, 75% resolution is too small

The new demographic pane in the TWC is still problematic. The landscape of it only allows for so much information to show at a 100% resolution on a 17" laptop screen, which is what the majority of our nurses use at our facility to document. I have...
Tracie Bastien over 1 year ago in Demographics Panel 2 Shipped

"Lock" function added to Patient Data Console

When using an iPad or other touchscreen tablet/laptop to access the PDC, the cards often get moved around, and it is more difficult to navigate. It would be great to have a lock function at the top (by the "push board" and "update" functions") tha...
Jessica Casey over 1 year ago in Patient Data Console 0 Shipped

New Encounter Option Within the Scheduler

Provide an option for clinicians to create a new encounter directly from the scheduler. Once selected, the task will prompt for a task type, but will automatically associate the appropriate date and time; eliminating the need to go through schedul...
Guest over 2 years ago in Patient Scheduling 0 Shipped