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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

TruBridge Other Categories

Showing 87

Communicate within your own company about New things and when things don't function

I definitely think there is a breakdown in communication within your own company in regards to new things that are added and things that don't function. Just today I was looking through a user guide from TruLearn that was updated just yesterday to...
Cassi Loutzenhiser 8 months ago in TruLearn 1 Already Exists

Open the Dream Factory up to CPSI front line support staff

I am sure that the front line CPSI staff receive lots of repeated feedback from customers. I would love to see them given access to the Dream factory and for them to be ENCOURAGED to share that feedback and ideas in this forum and allow them to vo...
Kim M Carr 3 months ago in Dream Factory 2

CPSIQ needs to have dates attached to them

When searching a topic in CPSIQ sometimes the same video title comes up several times. It would be helpful if there was a date published attached to it so you would know you are watching the most recent one. It would also be helpful to have a date...
Jeanette Adams over 2 years ago in TruLearn 3 Product Owner Review

Create a group of training videos and share to all team members.

It would make it much more efficient if we could create our own groups of training videos and be able to assign the entire group to a team member. This would help with onboarding new employees as we could create custom groups of training materials...
Guest 8 months ago in TruLearn 0

Verify Imagelink PACS backups

Right now, we send CPSI/Trubridge monthly backups in to verify they can be restored from in case of disaster. Our CPSI/Trubridge cloud backup also does restoration tests and sends monthly notifications that our backup can be restored from. I think...
Guest 2 months ago in TruBridge Other Categories 0

Change Format of Exhibit A General Support List

The current format of Exhibit A General Support list is very hard to use from a client perspective to reconcile the monthly invoice and to reconcile that the charges are correct for current use. I would like to see a grouping of all charges based ...
Susan Gutjahr 4 months ago in TruBridge Other Categories 1

Agile concept vs implementation

TruBridge development has migrated towards an Agile environment over the past couple of years. This has proved (to customers) to be a mix blessing as we received updates quicker and we received some less stable changes. Having been a SW Developer ...
Michael Kane 3 months ago in Dream Factory 0

Drill Down User Access to TruBridge Client Center

It would be wonderful to be able to drill down further with the access users have to other's situations. Having "Admin", "Standard" and "Limited" access still allows some users with too much access to view situations that do not pertain to them or...
Susan Stevens 4 months ago in TruBridge Client Center 1

Provide a status page for all CPSI services

All major service providers have something more or less like a status page (e.g. Apple, Google, Twitter, Facebook, and even small companies like Panic). There are many different options for implementing status pages (e.g., Atlassian, Better Stack,...
Paul Hendrix almost 2 years ago in TruBridge Client Center 0 Product Owner Review

Please offer lab, pharmacy, infection control workshops at convention

we need workshops for lab, pharmacy, and infection control to educate ourselves. We need this information to become superusers.
Amy Dotson almost 3 years ago in TruLearn 1 Unlikely to Implement