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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

TruBridge Other Categories

Showing 84

TruLearn linked directly to WebClient

It would be great if users could sign into WebClient & one of the applications in the application drawer was TruLearn instead of having to click on help then cpsiQ. Then they could click the TruLearn Application and go directly to their TruLea...
Caitlin Strapp 9 months ago in TruLearn 3 In Development

CPSIQ needs to have dates attached to them

When searching a topic in CPSIQ sometimes the same video title comes up several times. It would be helpful if there was a date published attached to it so you would know you are watching the most recent one. It would also be helpful to have a date...
Jeanette Adams about 2 years ago in TruLearn 3 Product Owner Review

Create a group of training videos and share to all team members.

It would make it much more efficient if we could create our own groups of training videos and be able to assign the entire group to a team member. This would help with onboarding new employees as we could create custom groups of training materials...
Guest 7 months ago in TruLearn 0

Help should automatically show content based on your location in the system.

Help should automatically load information based on the screen you are in. Users shouldn't have to search for relevant content. The content should be searchable as well. Having to read an entire document to find the one sentence you need isn't pro...
Guest over 2 years ago in Thrive Web Client / TruBridge EHR - Clinical / TruBridge EHR - Financial / TruLearn 1 In Development

Please offer lab, pharmacy, infection control workshops at convention

we need workshops for lab, pharmacy, and infection control to educate ourselves. We need this information to become superusers.
Amy Dotson over 2 years ago in TruLearn 1 Unlikely to Implement

Apps for Thrive and CPSIQ

apps for easy access to CPSIQ and Thrive UX. People are mobile and if we can do everything from the app, it would be great.
Rojelio Rodriguez over 2 years ago in TruLearn 1 Already Exists

Flag support tickets

It would be nice to be able to pin or flag tickets that have been open a long period of time at the top instead of having to search for them.
Guest almost 2 years ago in TruBridge Client Center 0 Product Owner Review

Provide a status page for all CPSI services

All major service providers have something more or less like a status page (e.g. Apple, Google, Twitter, Facebook, and even small companies like Panic). There are many different options for implementing status pages (e.g., Atlassian, Better Stack,...
Paul Hendrix almost 2 years ago in TruBridge Client Center 0 Product Owner Review

Create a Clinic Workgroup

Create a workgroup for clinic discussion, workflow and issues
Guest over 2 years ago in TruBridge Other Categories 8 Product Owner Review

Release notes downloadable to Excel

Please make the release notes available in Excel. Our users typically will not read thru 20+ pages of release notes, so we redo them in Excel in a high-level summary then sort by Clinical or Financial, then by area (like Provider, Nursing, Pharmac...
Guest about 1 year ago in TruBridge Client Center 0 Product Owner Review