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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )
PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...

All ideas

Showing 2062

Tracking Board Notifications-Clearing out notifications

It takes way to long to clear out the notifications. If there are 15 alerts for labs, you should be able to click on the lab header and acknowledge you have seen/reviewed them all, there is no reason to make someone open each one, review it, selec...
sara downing over 1 year ago in Tracking Board | Patient Search 2 Product Owner Review

Health History / Medical History Upgrades

Currently, when entering Medical History, you search and select a new item and when you Save it to the chart, it kicks you back to the main Health history page where you have to select Medical History again to add in a new medical history item. Wi...
Kelsey Drouhard over 1 year ago in Documentation / Health History 1 Open for Comment

If you enter an adverse reaction on a prescription it automatically takes you to an allergy entry with the information included.

This would eliminate the need to double document and ensure that the information gets captured.
Michael Oberg 11 months ago in Medication Management 0

Vital entry options

Our nurses have requested in the vitals entry application to add the below options: Blood Pressure - manual vs electronic Oxygen - add High Flow option
Ashley Agnew over 1 year ago in Vital Signs 0 Product Owner Review

SAFER - Duplicate Order Checking for High Risk Meds

SAFER CPOE 2.5 recommends: Duplicate order checking occurs for high risk medication, diagnostic tests, and procedure orders (excluding "as needed" [PRN] medications). CPOE presents a warning for all categories of duplicate orders - many of these ...
Susan Gutjahr about 1 year ago in Medication Management / Order Management 0

New Idea > quit making CPSI WORSE! On August 27th CPSI changed.

Our internet is 150 mps but as of Aug 27th CPSI is slow as molassis. This occurs when I try to do charts from my iMac at the office or my iMac at home. It takes 2-12 seconds after each click to go to the next page. It now takes 10 times longer to ...
Guest 6 months ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical 0

Let Materials Management reports come up in something other than a pdf.

My Materials Mangement reports only come up in Nuance. I cannot covert them to an excel spreadsheet this way. If there was an option other than an ad-hoc it would be so much easier
Leslie Alley about 1 year ago in Dream Factory / Financial Report 0

2nd Witness for Titration Meds

This would be HUGE for patient safety! Most titration medications are high risk meds.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Medication Management 1 Already Exists

Smart Search for placing SIT for finding the correct application support group

It would be helpful to have a smart search for the application support group when entering a SIT so that you do not have to search through the list of items. Such as scheduling, you could just start typing "sch" and it could bring up Enterprise Wi...
Amy Miller about 1 year ago in TruBridge Client Center 0

User Forum for Thrive

I think that Thrive needs to have a User Forum like Healthland Centriq has. It was a great place to post a question and see other people's responses and if they had the same issues.
Linda Pfeifle almost 2 years ago in Dream Factory 2 Open for Comment