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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )
PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...

All ideas

Showing 2059

Better Discharge Instruction customization options

If there were less clicks involved to customize discharge docs, along with having 1 discharge doc instead of making a second one to handle those needed customizations, that would be really nice for our providers. They need to easily add follow up ...
Laura Colbert over 2 years ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical 3 Product Owner Review

Invoice Spreadsheet Upload into FMS

It would be great to be able to enter invoice information for posting into a spreadsheet (easier data entry) and then upload into FMS
Joni Haren about 1 year ago in Financial Management Suite (FMS) 1 Unlikely to Implement

Order Report

There needs to be a report that pulls in all orders, order location, including the ordering provider. This report also needs complete patient information and insurance information. We had a report like this in Centriq that we used EVERY DAY for re...
Guest over 1 year ago in Order Management 0 Product Owner Review

Need a way to prompt titration in the MAR

When a medication needs titration it will show in Order Chron but it would be more convenient to monitor if times due and titrated were visible on the MAR
Tara Paisano almost 2 years ago in Medication Management / Order Management 1 Product Owner Review

Need a highly visible location to document opioid naive vs tolerant and pain chronic vs acute

Our hospital insurer is requiring (rightly) that we must, “Verify and document a patient’s opioid status (naïve vs tolerant) and type of pain (acute vs chronic) before prescribing and dispensing extended-release and long-acting opioids.” It is hig...
Nikki Csiki over 1 year ago in Documentation / Medication Management / Order Management 0 Product Owner Review

Add patient names in the Revenue by Charge Description in the Report Dashboard

This would be really helpful because everyone wants names and account numbers.
Denise Hammel over 1 year ago in AR | Revenue Cycle 1

Indicator on schedule if account was auto created

This will help with workflows for staff to know which accounts were auto created and may need additional attention for completion.
Sara Espinosa 8 months ago in Patient Connect 0

Reflex from documentation to update patient tracking board

Looking for a way to streamline and standardize workflow for our emergency department team using the patient status tracking board. It would be nice if there was a reflex option from the doctor and nursing documentation that would update the patie...
Sadie Lantron 10 months ago in Tracking Board | Patient Search 0

Medical Necessity

It would be beneficial to have access to Medical Necessity within TWC patient screens (within the order chronology or reports and attachements). Also, a report to review if Medical Necessity was needed/completed available in report dashboard.
Sarah Blazier over 1 year ago in Ancillary / Order Management 3 More Information Needed

Medication Reconciliation Report

We need a way to get the Medication Reconciliation Report in Web Client with active medications. Currently can go to reports and attachments>>medication>>Medication Reconciliation Report>>Home medications & All Medications (a...
Roxie Montgomery about 1 year ago in Medication Management 1