When orders are added per an order set, order chron needs to group these items together or color code them some how to make them less confusing and decrease missing items that should stay together
Mary Daugherty
over 1 year ago
in Order Management
Product Owner Review
Currently, cpsi only collects JW waste codes for medications removed from ADM (Pyxis) if they are on the profile. If the nurse overrides and wastes a partial dose, CPSI cannot associate a waste code. CPSI and Pyxis have confirmed that Pyxis can do...
Remove pharmacies from list of pharmacies patient has used before.
Remove pharmacies from list of pharmacies patient has used before. Patients move, insurance changes preferred/required pharmacy or patients travel ("snow-bird"). We need to be able to take pharmacies out of the list of pharmacies previously sent.
Can there be a drag and drop feature whenever you add an order to an order set and have it to where you can just drop that new order anywhere within the order set without having to click on the Move Up or Move Down button several times? Not only i...
about 2 years ago
in Order Management
Product Owner Review
Need the ability for a due date for specific forms/notes - a popup when they are due.
I don't know if this could be part of the health maintenance piece or a different part, but there are some forms that only need to filled out one time a year. It would be so great if as a note/form that the system would know when one is done and t...
On the patient banner bar, when selecting the patient name, demographics populate so you have a patient phone number and emergency contact as well as the release of information so you know who you can speak with pertaining to the patient.
Chat based support would allow us to get near instant support for issues that can be addressed real-time. Those issues that require escalation or more investigation could be moved offline. With the move to TWC this could be implemented directly in...