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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )

All ideas

Showing 2055

Alerts Tab and Notifications on Tracking Board

It would be great if the Tracking Board Notifications and the Alerts tab worked together so that when labs, (especially) are acknowledged in one or the other place, the "alert' would be acknowledged in the other place. I have trouble with the nurs...
Chris Gabel 6 months ago in Thrive Web Client 2

Nurses need to be able to edit demographics from the web side without having to change departments to business office.

We have our nurses register from the tracking board on weekends, evenings, and holidays when the business office staff are not in the facility. We want the nurses to stay on the web side, but if they make a mistake with a patient's information whe...
Linda Pfeifle about 2 months ago in Thrive Web Client 0

NOTES: System Filters are extended past the Page margins

When a note is signed it goes through a PDF conversion whereby the conversion process will auto shrink the entire note proportionately until the note content fits within the PDF page margins. Currently, several of our System Notes filters, predomi...
David Howard about 1 year ago in Notes 11 In Development

CPSI faxing in color

When faxing out of CPSI currently a fax can only be sent as a black & white fax. Adding the availability to fax in color would help improve the faxed document quality if color can be added. An example would be an EKG - when in color the qualit...
Guest about 1 month ago in Clinical History 1 Unlikely to Implement

Next Dose Due on MAR in Console

It would be beneficial for a column to be added for "Next dose due" on the MAR Card in the Console.
Brian Hambleton 4 months ago in Patient Data Console 0 Open for Comment


Historically there has always been an inconsistency with mouse clicks from one screen or application to another in TUX and even in TWC. Some areas respond to single clicks while others take a double click. Or in the case of Clinical History, one c...
Mark Boomhower 5 months ago in Ancillary 0

Med Reconciliation should be pulled to Patient Transfer Form

When the Med Rec on discharge is completed, the meds that pull to the Patient Transfer Form in Flow Charts should reflect that list. Instead, the PTF pulls all active pharmacy orders which is confusing to the receiving facility and is NOT the actu...
Michele Fichter 7 months ago in Flowcharts / Medication Management 0

Simplify process for adding sliding scale protocol to Insulin medication

Our providers have continuously had issues with attaching sliding scale protocols to Insulin medications. Can we explore ways to streamline this process so that it is fewer steps/clicks for the provider? Anything that would streamline this. It is ...
Cole Romero 5 months ago in Order Management 1

Allow Renewal on d/c'd meds

For patients who have meds that are previously d/c'd, It would save the providers a lot of time if they could just click renew on these meds, instead of starting over. Example a patient comes in, the nurse reviews medications, the patient states t...
Guest about 2 months ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical 1

Default to full screen view when opening a document in Clinical History

Currently, double clicking a document in Clinical History opens it in a second pane with a split screen window view. It is difficult to review documentation that way. In order to get the full screen, a user has to check the box to the left of the ...
Kelsey Drouhard about 1 year ago in Clinical History 12 Future Development