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Dream Factory by TruBridge Ideas Portal

Pinned ideas

PINNED Consol lab recent trend card
On the recent lab trend card as it is now it shows the trend by panel rather than individual test. We compare the labs for the last year and if the patient had a BMP at most visits but had a CMP at one, the results of the CMP are listed separately...
PINNED Opportunity to give us feedback
If you are interested in helping shape the future of our EHR product, please complete this form to participate in an hour-long interview with a member of our UX team. (open idea to get a link to the form )

All ideas

Showing 2055

Make System Menu and Charts viewable as one page for all patient's information to be on one screen or a scanning option in Charts side.

When working in the clinical side, lots of information from system menu is needed when viewing in charts. Also, it is more time consuming to have to scan through System Menu side then go back to Charts side to complete information out such as refe...
Georgia Finch 6 months ago in Ancillary 0

Ability to stagger medication times in Order Sets

In Centriq we were able to add hours or days to medications for a start time. Most helpful for 1. patients with multiple antibiotics - you could set the second antibiotic to start in 1 hour. Helps prevent late entry alerts also and also you could ...
Chris Gabel 10 months ago in Medication Management / Order Management 2


We frequently need to know admit and discharge times, but they are not available (that anyone knows of at this point) in any reports. The same users that utilitze the Census Days Stay report need this info. Can this be added to the Census Days Sta...
Laura Colbert about 2 years ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical / TruBridge EHR - Financial 2

hard stop height and weight entry prior to medication administration

For patient safety, the entry of height and weight should be a hard stop prior to administering any medication.
Guest 6 months ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical 2

Ability to change recipient when sending a communication

Currently, if you select the wrong recipient to send a communication, you can't change the recipient. You have to start over. This loses the information that you had already put in. Yes, you can remember to copy and then paste it, but you should b...
Alisha Herrmann 9 months ago in Communication Center 0

All Reports need to have the option to export to Excel!!!!!

All Reports need to have the option to export to Excel!!!!! We need to be able to have this option. There is a lot of good information in the reports in Thrive, but we have to be able to pull it over to Excel so we can manipulate the data and make...
Linda Pfeifle 10 months ago in TruBridge EHR - Clinical / TruBridge EHR - Financial 3 More Information Needed

We need the ability to leave something with insurance instead of triggering a statement or the secondary insurance when posting payments.

If the insurance denies for a workable reason, we need the ability to leave it with that insurance FROM THE RECEIPTING SCREENS. Sending it to the patient when they shouldn't get a bill, or the secondary before it is ready is not helpful. It will n...
DeeAnn Wells 6 months ago in AR | Revenue Cycle 0

"denies" option for social history categories in health history.

This would be a nice alternative to only being able to put "Never" if a patient states they do not have any substance abuse or smoking.
Guest about 1 year ago in Documentation / Health History 0 Future Development

Single and Double clicks

There are parts of the system that when it is double clicked it goes nowhere, but if it is single clicked it will go where it needs to. WHY? single click vs many clicks, the first click indicates to move to the next screen but it does nothing inst...
Janna Sartin 10 months ago in Thrive Web Client 8 Already Exists

Allow ability to set a Note with a favorite status for the provider you have built it for.

Once I build a Note for a provider, I have to tell them where to find it and how to set the template as a favorite. They forget to do this, and their frustration increases, while their efficiency decreases. If I could automatically set it as a fav...
Tracie Bastien almost 3 years ago in Notes 1 Open for Comment